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Repetition, repetition, repetition The Cyclomancer AKA Repeaters You do the same things, the same way. Every day works the same, every week and every month has predictable, always occurring events. […]

Earthflame |

The Very Model of a Singularitarian

The end is here. The most fundamental human functions have now, officially, been augmented by technology. Reality will never be the same. For the last nine universes, the Comte […]

stange_person |

True Pornomancy

Power through sex and lust, not through mimicry. Original works Copyright thanthos and original works used in this version still copyright to him. Variation done by Piotyr and not copyright […]

Piotyr |

Animal Archetypes: The Sacred Cat

The mystical divinity of unashamed felinity. (The second in the seiries of Animal Archetypes) Cats are haughty, lazy, entirely self-absorbed things, and we love them for it. If the dog […]

Antagonish |

The Mark of Hate

Why keep that anger inside? Better to direct it…let everyone see your hate radiating from your enemy. Cost: 4 Significant Charges Ritual Action: Make a circle, approximately 3′ in diameter, […]

Basilisk |

Ritual of The Madonna

give yourself the gift of innocence. Tired of being called a slut? one degrading act can end it all! Favored of some pornomancers in the earlier days of the Sect […]

Calamity |


This is a power/school principally used by Serpent Men as their second channel (cf Avatars of Yig-Tsathoggua). It might also be used (with some modification) as an Adept school. Vaccinomancy: […]

JamesH |

John Dies at the End

Perhaps the most UA worthy story I’ve ever read. This book deserves meaty glorification. Though you can order the full story in paperback, five chapters are online, with more […]

Shatterfreak |