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Creepy-crawley bug sorcerers… Bugs, Crawlies Insects are everywhere, adaptive and hardy, they are royalty. The insects were here before us and will be after we’ve long gone – our superiors […]

Insect King |

School Daze

Story seeds for a university or high school setting. I’ve never seen Professor Harris run out of chalk during a class. It’s like he’s got a pack that never runs […]

Dungeon Maestro |

Indy’s Fedora

An adept’s idea of a joke, or something much more sinister? (I must give credit where credit is due. The concept for this artifact came from one of my roommates; […]

Dungeon Maestro |


Is Lady Luck smiling upon you? Then use that power to jinx your foes. You’ve probably seen the people who refuse to walk under ladders, changes direction when a black […]

Prince Rákóczi | Back Online

After some very mysterious incidents, the site is back up and running. It’s possible that a couple of days of submissions might have been lost so please check your recent […]

John Tynes |


Spider magick. Created with Ted Prodmodrou Cobheads, Spider Witches Spiders are everywhere. They sit and intrude on our awareness with a violent quietude that nothing else quite does. They do […]

Insect King |


The magick of smoke… Smokers, Sooters Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Smoke is not just the sooty by product of fire it is the tangible link connecting heaven and earth, […]

Insect King |


Blame for the rise of Microsoft and the Personal Computer lies entirely with a single piece of equipment … F. Scott Fitzgerald’s typewriter. The author’s bid for the place of […]

thirdtruck |

UA Collaborative Novel Chapter Six

. CHAPTER SIX SEEING WITHOUT EYES Sequence 1 Sequence 1 is filmed in colour, although this fact is only apparent at the end. The camera is attached to the ceiling […]

Mattias |