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Wanderers along a predictable course, outcastes riding the rails of civilization. Linneamancy Nicknames: Hobos, Gatejumpers The lands humans occupy are marked as territory. What were once open fields and forested […]

TedPro |

Dame Jane, Pain Is Her Game

What would you get if you crossed Batman with Darkman, well another city vigilante actually… Jennifer Vallejo was a cop, working on some several unsolved crimes in the city. She […]

Tim Bisaillon |

Initiative This.

Yet another variant for determining initiative. In my games initiative dice are rolled and added together to determine a range between 2 to 20, so if 18 is rolled 1 […]

Tim Bisaillon |

New UA Novel Available!

UA co-creator Greg Stolze’s new novel, Godwalker, is now available. This tale of madness, power, and mutable gender is a hell of a read and a great look inside the […]

John Tynes |

Movie Magic

The power of props Play based magick is dead my friend. Sure Shakespeare can scare up more mojo than you can shake a stick at, but it just doesn’t reach […]

The Tim |


A roleplaying resource, news, reviews and interactive features. The riddle section is especially handy for UA. GameWyrd is a roleplaying fan/resource site. The Ride the Riddles feature where users can […]

GameWyrd |


Guilt never fades. It just sits in your gut like a lump of lead… Emeveritation Cost: 1 significant charge. Effect: This ritual has one, fairly narrow use, but it’s a […]

Person404 |

The Robespierre Hat Trick

Not every ritual out there is really worth someone’s time. But can you really risk not knowing it? Power: minor Cost: 3 minor charges Effect: If the ritual is successful, […]

Patkin |