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Minty Morries

Sugary reminders that this, too, shall pass. Minty Morries are enchanted Pez dispensers that are used to break a person’s will. Thanatomancers, in particular, like to use them in preparing […]

Rick Neal |

Found magazine

Web site containing photos and descriptions of strange and interesting items that people find lying around in public places.

John Tynes |

The Comte is Coming…

…and he’s hungry. The Comte de Saint-Germain only eats once per year. On that day, disatrous storms lash the locale, the earth shakes, terrible omens are seen, and all who […]

Chad Underkoffler |

The Gates of Central Park

The REAL reason the Sleepers sanitized New York. So, Central Park in New York City has a whole bunch of gates, right? They all have individual names. Most people don’t […]

Rick Neal |

The True Last Words of Dutch Schultz

The manic ramblings of a dying gangster hold important secrets. Any conspiracy theorist worth his salt knows about the last words of Arthur Flegenheimer, aka Dutch Schultz. For those of […]

Rick Neal |

UA Email Discussion List

Need a daily dose of UA brainstorming? This lively email discussion list is great fun and a terrific resource. The list’s home page has subscription information and full archives.

John Tynes |

UA2 PC Wallpaper

Some great art by Samuel Araya in a very cool UA2-inspired design. Get it and stick it! Available in 800×600 and 1024×768.

John Tynes |

TNI Report

This is the blank form seen in the back of Lawyers, Guns, and Money. (Download from

John Tynes |

Adept Charge Sheet

A handy-dandy record sheet for keeping track of your adept’s charges, prepared by Mike Mearls. (Download from

John Tynes |

GM’s Wound Point Record

A matrix the GM can use to keep track of the ills that befall the player characters, prepared by Mike Mearls. (Download from

John Tynes |