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Floating blue cloud?

An unexplained blue cloud was caught on video and seen by customers

vagina = fun! |

Tangent Universe

Roberta Sparrow was one of the lucky ones… (Note: This is based heavily on the film Donnie Darko, including the deleted scenes, as well as The Philosophy of Time Travel […]

Travis-Jason |

Chronomancer (Alternate)

Vita fugit. A.K.A. Batteries, Timepieces It’s pretty hard to find a Chronomancer. They’re rare, because the personal cost of Chronomancy is so high. They’re also secretive, because of the great […]

Travis-Jason |

The Fighter

Gratuitous Violence has been around for all of Human history. An archetype of those individuals who seek battle for no reason. The Fighter seeks battle for battle’s sake. He carries […]

Kingmaker |

The Hunter and the White Deer

Hunter shoots rare albino deer…really rare… A female hunter shot and killed a rare albino deer as hunting season got kicked off in Minnesota. Click here to watch video. Mary […]

CriticalFault |

The Silver Distraction Whistle

Whistle while you work. Actually, no, don’t. Power: Minor Effect: The sound of this whistle embeds listeners with the fate of being distracted in the near future to some extent. […]

Michael Keenan |

True Pornomancy reversion 2.0

Power through sex and lust, not through mimicry. Original works Copyright thanthos and original works used in this version still copyright to him. Variation done by Piotyr and not copyright […]

Piotyr |


Also known as Blue Pornomancy, the European variant of Pornomancy. Female: Salacitrix, Dancer, Smutter Male: Celibate Onanist, Stagehand, Polisher In England and France attempts to lay seeds for Pornomancy reaped […]

Insect King |