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Emphasizing the Sacred

Or Adept Lifestyle Extremes By their very nature, adepts tend towards extremes. Most commonly, this involves the idea that is the backbone, lynchpin, or foundation of their obsession, and pushing […]

Unknown_VariableX |

Elvis’ pistol stolen!

Someone steals something belonging to the king You gotta fear whatever it is this is being used for. Almost nothing else carries the same amount of emotion, following and power […]

CriticalFault |

The Internet is eating our letters!

Read at your own risk. Despite evidence to the contrary, many people on the Internet are actually quite literate. The Internet itself is causing the typos and stealing letters. No […]

Doktor Anon |


The Magic of Things “You are what you own” Memerobiliamancy Nicknames: Antiquers, Packrats, Nick-naks People are materialistic. And I mean all people. Even if you don’t care how much something […]


The Maiden

first of the Great Triad of female archetypes. The Maiden: The Maiden is the symbol of purity and innocence. Throughout history people of been drawn to protect, consume, preserve, and […]



Adapting the Shadowrun rules for magical empower to UI. Most would think it silly. Chanting in a dark room filled with mirrors and feeble flickering candles looking from dark secrets […]


Weirdness from the Emerald City

The strange things you hear while sipping coffee at a Starbucks… (overheard from scruffy forty-something man in an old army jacket and acid-washed torn jeans near Pioneer Square) “No kidding, […]

MadPanda |

Harmony Singer, Street-level ronin

A troubled young woman with some curious potential! (What follows is a player character write-up from a now sadly defunct play-by-post. Since I’m submitting some other stuff from that game, […]

MadPanda |

Nyarlathotep, the False Messenger

Nyarlathotep, the False Messenger, as an Anti-Archetype. Part of a CoC/UA Crossover. AKA: The Mighty Messenger, the Herald of Azathoth, The Crawling Chaos, the Thousand Faced, The Mask that Mocks, […]

JamesH |