Hi! I just got this game a few weeks ago, and while it’s awesome, there’s a lot I still have to wrap my head around.
Mostly I’ve been thinking about the Cult of the Naked Goddess. These people can generate major charges by mimicking the life of someone who became cosmically important *by accident.* A major charge is a big thing, isn’t it? Sensitive people can feel major charges being generated from across town, if I read correctly.
By becoming an avatar, she unintentionally has created a way of generating magic power that was previously not accessable, if it existed at all.
And the power doesn’t even come from her, it comes from the will of the cult that venerates her, but without her ascension, that cult would have never come into existence.
So my question is this: Suppose Jesus became the avatar of the Martyr and went to the Statosphere. Would there have been a cult that could gain charges by mimicking his life, making in effect Jesomancers who operated on similar cosmological principles as Pornomancers. And, given the popularity of Christianity, would this type of adept still exist? Would something similar exist for any major or minor religion?
A step beyond that, is it possible, given the obsession that is so common among cultists, to make a cult who worshiped someone who is still alive and could generate charges by mimicking that person? Could you, if you found enough pliable wackjobs, start a cult that worshiped *you* and gained charges for it?
You can do a heck of a lot with a major charge. In a world where magick is powered by craziness, what’s to prevent a very determined egoist from going to a sanitarium and just scooping and scooping and scooping until they build a mystic juggernaut around themselves?
On a smaller level, even without a cult, could you become an adept who gained power by obsessing over another person with no particular status (Stalkomancy?)?
It seems like the cosmos would draw a line at some point, but I don’t know where that would be.
Heya. and welcome to the Underground… Lessi If i can answer your question…
The way i view the CTG is that upon her ascension, Daphne Lee was an observer, this tirggered something in her head whichmadea weird sort of sense to her. That the sex acts the Goddess was performing coudl gain you power. The goddess had so much power she went up.
The magick is all based on paradox.. epideromany, gain mastery over the flesh by destroying it, and other schools like that.
There has to be that paradox and unrelenting obsession for it to become magick.
As for Avatars, society has to somewhat be a part of that archtype. Like say ‘The Dark Stalker’, or “The Flying Woman’ or even more recntly I’d assume ‘The Terrorist’. If the archtype is closely tied to humanity it may ascend, and if its already ascended, then the current avatars get power from it.
I’m not to sure on this myself, but The Naked Goddess, rather then have avatars has Adepts, or at least thats what has been cropped up… perhaps the only reason they are not channeling her avatar could be because of some minor imperfection in their view of her archtype, so then they have to settle with magickal powers..
Ug I think I lost it in that last paragraph, but that all I can squeeze out of my head, hope I’ve helped a little, but I’m sure someone else can shed more light on this then I did…
Oh my bad, and as for mimicking those people still alive, thats a close tie in to Iconomancy.. but it deals with Famous Dead people…
If I remember your potential adept also needs two failed or herd notches in the Unnatural meter. He needs proof that the weird is real.
I might be wrong.
I assumed Pornomancers were simply rediscovering something the Bacus cults probably knew centuries ago. Sex has power
Surly the important point should be if the CTNG is relentlessly pursuing he NG’s life why do they seem to know so little about her?
After all, the NG should be in the stratosphere by now, although no-one really understands the IC surly the NG would be helping her followers out?
Unless of course their not really her followers.
Its a very good question, why arnt the CTNG chenneling her archetype unless somethings off in the cult.
Could it be Daphne Lee’s just using the NG as a figurehead to build power around.
Or is there something even more sinister going on……
My theory is that anyone can channel the WECHBY but one of the taboos is that as soon as you work out or realise that you’re channeling her – she disappears from your life forever and you can never channel her again.
She could be the Goddess with No Name.
I actually think that pornomancers are quite a bit inconsistent with the setting…
They seem to be more a kind of iconomancers centered around a famous porn actress…
Dipsomancers get charges by getting drunk, plutomancers by getting money… So pornomancers should get charges by a) watching porn or b) masturbation. In order not to make it too easy, I would go for b).
Minor charge: Masturbate with another person being present that is NOT involved in the process. Actual sex does NOT count.
Significant charge: Masturbate in front of an audience of strangers (in a mall, at a street fesival).
Major charge: Masturbate on nation-wide tv.
I agree, I like that idea, too.
The way I look at it is this: Naked Goddess ascends. This sends major ripples through the Statosphere. Being the first Ascension to have been recorded on tape, this also cements the idea that what she DID was important, which it was. Most of her films were hugely symbolic, which is a potent force. So, add together hugely potent symbolic actions and the added force that the original actor of those actions ascending had to have and you get a whole new facet of “How Things Really Are” for an adept to obsess on. Remember, part of the Pornomancer portfolio is coincidence, a strong tie to the ripples in the Statosphere.
Also, it would be very hard to Channel the WECHBY. It’s a fairly precarious position.
Hi all… I’m new to the forum and all but couldn’t resist tossing in my 2 cents on this.
I totally agree with the above -no one could ever really hope to channel the WECHBY. In order to do so, the Avatar hopeful must be one hell of a slut yet not have sex with anyone. After all, she has to be had by Everyone but, unfortunately, Everyone is full of a lot of Yous. Who ever she has sex with will be a “You” and since “You” had her, she breaks taboo and is no longer the WECHBY but if she has no sex, then she’s not had by “Everyone” and, again, breaks taboo.
Due to that core paradox of the NG, she can not really have traditional Avatars (unless said avatars were real creative). However, because of the paradoxical nature of the WECHBY, people trying to fallow her path, become her, are far more likely to fall upon a school of magic (enter Pornomancy) then an avatar path. So it could be said, in a weird kind of way, that pornomancers are “avatars” of the WECHBY.
Also, since you’d have to almost by definition be a porn star AND a porn-star who more-or-less specializes in group sex AND probably have a naturally mystical bent AND be primarily the GIVER not the RECEIVER (otherwise it dilutes the Have)… there aren’t many who could pull it off.
Continuing this thread, I still feel an Avatar of the Naked Goddess is valid.
Taboo: No one can know they’re channelling the Naked Goddess. That’s it. You break taboo, she’s gone forever.
I wouldn’t advocate any channels past the first (01-50) because somewhere/when before 51% the Channeller is going to get wind of what she’s doing and then taboo is broken forever.
I would also suggest a new Iconomancer Idol – perhaps a Sex Minx/Porn Star version that changes every few years.
The current male and female versions (you can only tune into the one that suits the character’s sexual orientation) are John Holmes and Savannah.
Until Ron Jeremy passes away that is…
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