Hi there,
I realize this may seem a rude first post, but I’ve just gotten into UA after much prodding from friends who extolled its virtues and my reading of the UA 2nd book sent me into an immediate frenzy which ended a week later with my having gotten my hands on every previously printed supplement. And still I want more…
So, my only problem with the site is that the inverted white on black reading really bothers my eyes for some reason. Has anyone put together a web-book compilation of the various submissions here which one could download, print, and read with ease? I much prefer printed material to on-screen material as is, never mind the inversion. I promise to return to leave feedback for what I read; I just would like to digest it in a form I find more accessible.
Anyone have this done already or am I looking at a few hours of cut-and-paste down the line?
As far as I know, it hasn’t.
There is some additional fan material PDFs coming out occasionally.
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