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Minty Morries

Sugary reminders that this, too, shall pass.

Minty Morries are enchanted Pez dispensers that are used to break a person’s will. Thanatomancers, in particular, like to use them in preparing apprentices to be receptive to the new world-view that their magick requires.

They look like normal Pez dispensers with skulls on them. They have two magickal properties: first, any flavor of Pez placed in them is transformed to wintergreen. Second, anyone eating a candy directly from one of these dispensers is presented with a compelling vision of his or her own rotting corpse. This requires a Rank 6 Helplessness check as the mind takes in the impermanence of live and the inevitability of death.

3 thoughts on “Minty Morries

  1. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Minty, fresh-breathed death.

  2. Sage of Darkness says:

    Lovely; I wonder if these could be used for an endless supply of mint pez to stock Death Star pez dispensers for unlimited laser blasts, without having to hunt mint down.

    I don’t even know if it’s sold in Canada—I’ve only ever seen strawberry, cherry, orange and lemon.

  3. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    That is, probably, the best possible response to hearing about these. “Mystic pez dispensers… uh huh… vision of your own corpse ravaged by time…. yeah… wait, it makes them all mint? Man, mint pez are IMPOSSIBLE to find. I can finally load up my Death Star dispenser!” “What about the… y’know… corpse bit?” “Who actually EATS pez? It’s for the laser blasts!”


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