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the stranger in the white suit

Have you seen the strange graffiti down in the subway?

“Have you seen the strange graffiti down in the subway? You know which one I’m talking about. It’s not every day you see Enochian graffiti, is it? What kind of tagger is interested in the language of gods and angels, huh?

One night, I was watching the tags when, suddenly, some guy in a white suit walked right out of it. There wasn’t a secret door or anything. He had walked right out of the wall.

I followed him for a while as he walked through the station. When he got on a train, I was right behind him.

But when I realized that every single passenger in this train car was wearing a white suit just like the guy I was following, I turned on my heels and ran.

I’ve tried to find the guy and the graffiti again. I’ve spent more time underground than the fucking Morlocks.

But I’ve never seen the guy in the white suit again.

Have you?”

2 thoughts on “the stranger in the white suit

  1. Nick Wedig says:

    You messed up the italics.

    On another note, one college I attended was noted for being the only place in America where you can find dirty limericks written on bathroom walls, in ancient Greek.

  2. Stanoje Zupunski says:

    Yeah, I overlooked it in the preview. Maybe one of the webmasters could be so nice and fix it.

    Some years ago I saw a documentation on TV where they showed the ancient graffiti on the ruins of, I think it was Pompeii. They said that most scholars don’t like to draw much attention to the fact that most of them are pornographic scribbles, comments from (un)satisfied johns, and stuff like that.


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