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Mrs. Tanningworth’s kittens

The crazy old cat lady has a secret or two…

There’s loopy old lady with dozens of cats who lives in a rundown house a few blocks away. No phone or power lines lead to her humble little shack. Even the best cabbies and police officers can’t find the place.

To find her house, you have to tail a stray cat for three days. After those three sleepless days and nights, the cat will come to Mrs. Tanningworth’s house.

The dusty, lifeless lawn is surrounded by domestic cats of all colors, shapes and sizes. She never answers her door but every evening, she puts out three saucers of cream on her creaky wooden porch. The saucers stay full until morning when she brings saucers back inside. Aside from these two times, she never leaves her house.

So, what’s the big deal? Why would anyone go through the trouble to find a crazy little old lady? Well, Some say that every cat is born with a dark, dirty secret. With a little coaxing, she might be able to ask one of her “babies” if they know any information you happen to need at the time.

A few words of caution: She won’t let you inside so don’t bother asking. She’ll treat you right, so long as you stay polite and don’t complain about the mind-numbing stench of feces and urine surrounding the place. For your own safety, don’t mention the smell. Really.

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