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The Angel of Death

A mysterious serial killer is visiting hospitals the world over, painlessly ending the lives of the terminally ill.

The story is always the same, regardless from where in the world it comes. A tall, bulky man (though some say it’s really a woman) in a white immaculate business suit is observed at a hospital, going into or coming out of the rooms of patients in comas, braindead or riddled with cancer, just as if he had every right to do so. Nobody ever checks on what he is doing. The patient visited will always be found dead by the next person entering the room; there is no discernible cause of death (even in such cases when the illness could be the source of death, evidence that it actually was is lacking), and the deceased always look as if they died happily in their sleep.

Reports of the Angel of Death, as the man has been dubbed, have come from all continents.

There is speculation that the Angel of Death is an avatar of the Healer. The few persons in the know who have made efforts to learn more about the Angel have found disturbing information hinting at a plot which may change the nature of the Statosphere forever. Avatars of the Healer have found it increasingly difficult to channel their archetype, as if the Healer itself were changing. Rumour has it that this is actually the case – the Healer has come to the conclusion that the Statosphere itself is sick, and a new position on Healing might be the only thing which may save it. Apparently the Angel of Death is promoted by the Healer itself to supplant it – replacing the idea of healing with that of mercy killing.

One thought on “The Angel of Death

  1. Menzoa says:

    The actions of Dr. Death (now in prison) would fit well as the public relations side of this plan.


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