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Devouring Mother prophesised

Possibly predicting (certainly predating) a rumoured US Duke is an old English folk tale.

The following is an extract from Kevin Crossely Holland’s collection “British Folk Tales”, Publish by Orchard Books. Its a tale/ballad known as the “Cruel Mother”.

“She pressed her back against a thorn
Three, three and three by three
And that is where he twins were born
Three, three and thirty three

She drew two cords from her waistband
Three, three and three by three
And bound them both from foot to hand
Three, three and thirty three

Then she took out her small pen knife
Three, three and three by three
And put an end to each sweet life
Three, three and thirty three

She dug a trench deep and wide
Three, three and three by three
And laid them in it side by side
Three, three and thirty three

She covered them with marble stone
Three, three and three by three
And thought she would go maiden home
Three, three and thirty three

As she walked by her fathers wall
Three, three and three by three
She saw two children playing ball
Three, three and thirty three

“O pretty ones, if you were mine
Three, three and three by three
I’d get you up in Satin fine
Three, three and thirty three

Oh I would dress you in best silk
Three, three and three by three
And each day was you in fresh milk”
Three, three and thirty three

“O cruel mother, we were yours
Three, three and three by three
And you dressed us with knotted cords
Three, three and thirty three

O cursed mother, heaven is high
Three, three and three by three
You’ll never climb there when you die
Three, three and thirty three

O cursed mother, hell is deep
Three, three and three by three
And you’ll go down there step by step
Three, three and thirty three”

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