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They’re here. They know who you are and what you do and they want to change that.

Ever have a feeling of deja vu? You walk into a place you know you have never been before but it feels familiar. It’s because in some ways it has happened already.
You can’t shake the feeling that you have been here or done something like this before. It’s because in one sense you might have already done it.
Time is a string, a rope coiled together like a snake waiting for it’s next victim. Ever think of what ifs and what might of happened if I did one thing instead of the other?
Dopplegangers are created this way. They are divided person (much like Bill Toge) created manifestations of a person’s own will and desires. A person who desires the what if equation in a situation, this will be the dopplegangers own way of life.
Dopplegangers will take on the physical appearence of the maon target, with subtle changes such as eye colour, hair colour. The tone a little lighter than the original. Much like a carbon copy of the original.

Dopplegangers (Minor)
Carbon copied being

Dopplegangers of PC’s and GMC’s will have the same stats. Otherwise

Points: 100 + a percentile roll
Body: 10 – 60
Speed: 10 – 60
Mind: 10-60
Soul: 40 – 80

One thought on “Dopplegangers

  1. Sir Cabhán says:

    So what do dopplegangers do exactly? Do they go and do the stuff you regret not doing and gaining the consequences of those things whether they be good or ill, or do they have another agenda that we do not know of as yet?

    What happens if your regret is about something bad like killing someone? Do they haunt you for revenge?


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