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Tana Spearing

If you want a glimpse of your future and don’t have motion sickness Tana is the girl to see.

It started when her and her little brothers would spin around in circles for fun. It was a simple contest, the first to fall down was the loser. Even when she got a too old to really enjoy it the way she used to she kept doing it. It was a nice thing to do with her little brother and it was fun to see him trying to practice after she beat him. During one contest she just felt the urge to keep spinning. Long after her brother had dropped she was still spinning. She must have been going at it for an hour before she collapsed. Instead of seing the living room off kilter she saw a car and felt the impact of steal on bone. The next week her brother was crippled when a speeding car hit him while he was walking the dog. She tucked away that memory and never even thought about spinning around again. Even dancing made her uncomfortable.

After seven years she still refused to dance or spin or do anything like that. Until her and her college friends were drinking and sharing their strangest experiences. Telling them about her prophetic dizzy spell they wanted a demonstration. So one of the guys got up and started spinning. Shaky and off balance from alcohol she got to her feet and began to spin. The guy fell after about only ten minutes but she spun perfectly for three and a half hours. When she fell down she felt the rush of sex, an exposive male orgasm and then a horrible sensation mixed with the relief of urination. The next day her friend was diagnosed with gonorrhea and he found out that his girlfriend had been cheating on him.

Word spread quickly around campus and then beyond it. Soon she had strange people offering her money for a chance to spin with her and find out there future. Like all college students she wasn’t going to turn down easy cash and so she took their money and then spun. No one could stay up as long as her and no one could matche the exactness of her motion. After graduating she decided to pay her bills with her spinning, at least until she can find a way to make a living with her degree.

Obsession: Tana isn’t obsessed with anything yet. She is developing an unhealthy fascination with the principles of motion and metaphysics that allow her to see the future when dizzy.

Rage Stimulus: Careless drivers are sure to get an earfull from Tana. She’s lectured many of her friends about going to fast or not paying attention to the road.
Fear Stimulus(Violence): Accidents of all sort frighten her but she is especially keyed to auto accidents. Even the sound of a crash in the distance shakes her.
Noble Stimulus: People who take responsibility for their actions, especially their mistakes, win her respect and aid. She never tries to pass the buck herself and always owns up to what she does.

Body: 45 (Petite)
Gymnastics 25%
Self-Defense 30%
Cute and Perky 30%

Speed: 60 (Excellent Coordination)
Perfect Driver 30%
Dodge 15%
Initiative 30%
Crafts 30%

Mind: 50 (Clever Cookie)
Art History 25%
Nose for Trouble 30%
Trivia Buff 20%

Soul: 60 (Warm and Open)
Contagious Charm 40%
White Lies & Half Truths 15%
Jyromancy 60%
Appreciate Beauty 20%

This is not a school of magick but instead a strange Unnatural knack. It allows glimpses of the future after one spins around to the point of falling down. When in use Tana moves without regard to fatigue or other physical limitations. If she spins alone the future seens is her own. If someone else is spinning with her then she sees the future of the individual from the individual’s point of view. The higher the roll the more information comes through. The information is always about the most important event that’s about to happen. Anything that would cause a stress check or involve more than one major roll counts. Although it cannot be avoided the individual should get a bonus for preperation. In the case of stress checks just hearing about it ahead of time counts as some preperation giving a +10 to 20% shift. People not used to prophesy comming true will probably have to make a stress check ontop of what ever else happens.

Violence 1/1
Isolation 0/0
The Unnatural 2/1
Helplessness 0/1
Self 0/0

Tana is genuinely nice, funny, enjoyable to be around and fairly well adjusted. She makes an OK living off weirdos comming in. Her rates are on a sliding scale. Desperate and poor looking people pay less than rich and arrogant people. Her ignorance of the occult underground and what is really going on has yet to catch up with her. It is likely that certain members of the occult underground consider her valuable public property or a natural resource.

One thought on “Tana Spearing

  1. St. Mark says:

    I really like her. She’s wierd enough that the PCs might think something is up, but on the face of it her story (which I really like in its full version, by the way) is silly enough to disbelieve. She’s gonna show up soon.


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