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Wisdom Teeth

These odd bits of jewlery carry a one-time veto over an untimely death

Power: Significant (one use)

Effect: Each Wisdom Tooth provides a second chance at living. To activate the tooth, die while wearing it. This releases the thanatomancy spell The Trade on its wearer. (The user is restored to 10+1D10 wound points.)

Description: These pendents appear to be a bird’s beak, wrapped in a silver clasp. Clenched inside the beak (hidden from casual sight) is a human canine tooth.

Note: Building the charges for these artifacts requires someone’s death. Mother Theresa makes these items from a pedophile and a crow, but less moralistic butchers might be less picky about their charge-building victims. To date, she has produced only four wisdom teeth. She keeps one, and the three others are floating around the underground, along with dozens of fakes.

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