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Dead Man’s Noose

Creates an astral snare trap for demons.

Power: Minor
Cost: 5 minor charges

Effect: This ritual creates a region that demons can enter but cannot exit. The trap has a strength equal to what the caster rolled. The strength degrades one point each day until the trap looses all potency. If a demon in the astral plane goes over the trapped area they must make a Soul check with a minimum roll equal to the trap’s strength. Demons who fail are snared and cannot leave until released or the trap runs out of strength. If the demon makes their Soul check with the minimum they can dismantle the trap and hang out inside of it, pretending that it worked. Recharging the trap can be done for 1 minor charge per 5 points of strength up to a maximum of the trap’s starting strength. If someone is in the area when the trap is broken the demon automatically tries to possess them.
Ritual Action: The primary component of the trap is a noose used in a succesful suicide. Once you have that all you need is ash from burnt meat. The noose is set in the middle of a circle drawn with the ash. When a demon enters and gets snared the noose will jerk up and hang in the air. To refresh the trap’s strength you have to sprinkle more ash onto the circle. Breaking the circle will free the demon and ruin the trap. People can step in and out of the area as long as they step over the ash circle.

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