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Simonne le seuler et Mileu

Simon the Loner and Milo, A man and his dog

Simon lives in and around Montreal Quebec Canada, in a beautiful manor house which used to belong to his (now deceased) Mother and Father.

At a young age Simon was obviously different from the other boys and girls. He was always inside, in the basement or attic fiddling with this, or dismantling that. Mechanics entertained him immensely. The inner workings of anything and everything intigued him.

Simon eventually outgrew transistors and wires and got more involved in metalworking when he get into highschool, welding and cutting he loved.

Simon was an artist, but he hated being around people, not so much the people but all the eyes.. large groups frightened him, so he never did become that successful showing his masses of twisted and molded metals.

When Simon was about 19 his mother and father unfortunately passed away, but did leave the home and their, fairly sizable ammount of cash to their only son Simon.

Since his parents were the only things that really kept him out and about away from his things. He had so much more time on his hands. That was when Simon, discovered Mechanomancy.

Simon toiled away in the basement of his home for weeks and months, making this and that, until his baement was full of rejects and successes, little knick nacks here and there, but he wasn;t satisfied, that was when he created Mileu.

Mileu quickly became very special to Simon, especially after he named it after the watchdog they once had when he was younger.

So after dumping his memories of his faithful pal Mileu into the framework of this new dog. He went out and stole a plastic Animal Shelter donation bank, which is roughly the size of a german sheppard.hollowed out and plastic.

With that he inserted the metal framework he had put together, joints, gears, a few sharpened bits here, and few sharpened bits there, and finally, Mileu was born.

The plastic/metal donation bank has been at Simon’s side for the past 10 years since he created it, and Simon still works on him, from time to time.

Yet now Mileu has learned a new trick, thanks to some of Simon’s memories, and a few weeks work, Mileu is sentient, capable of remembering things, and now even speech.

Mileu knows some limited French and speaks to Simon often, usually only about that he;
” wants to go outside”, or
” somone’s at the door”, and even once there was

“A man came through the window upstairs so I ate him..” but that only happened once, unless Mileu has been keeping quiet.

Simon loves Mileu as if he were infact a real dog, and even treats him as such, putting water bowls out, chaining him up outback sometimes (usually at night), and sitting by the fire with him, scratching behind his unmoving plastic ear.

Simonne le seuler (Simon the Loner)

Summary: A small quiet Frenchman, who perfers his own company to that of others.

Personality: Quiet yet outgoing if approached kindly, and in small groups, but hatefilled and vengeful if you hurt animals.

Body: 40(Small)
General Athletics :15
Struggle: 15
Go without sleep:35

Speed: 55 (Tinkering)
Drive: 20
Dodge: 20
Initiative: 25
Firearms: 20

Mind: 80 (Educated)
Metalworking: 50
Notice: 40
Conceal :15
Speak English: 20
Animal Care: 32

Soul: 70 (Task Oriented)
Charm: 35
Mechanomancy: 63

RAGE: People who hurt or mistreat animals.

FEAR: Large Groups of people

Noble: Animals (He sometimes volunteers at Animal shelters, or donates money)

Violence 2/1
Unnatural 3/1
Helplessness 0/1
Isolation 1/2
Self 0/0


A few minor mechanomancy creates, most likely for around the house things, cleaning organizing etc.

His parents house, a beat up old 4 door ford, his dad’s old hunting shotgun, and his best friend in the whole world, Mileu.

Mileu Simon’s Best friend and Significant Pooch.

Body: 50 (Reliable)
Defend the Home and Simon: 42

Speed: 40 (Quick enough….)
Dodge: 20

Mind: 30 (Eerie)
Scent(notice): 30
Speak French (some): 20

Soul: 20 (some)

Mileu love (or as close to love as he can feel) Simon, and would do anything to protect him, he doesn;t even need to be asked. He knows what he is, or at least something about what he is, and is okay with it, as long as he can keep protecting Simon and the home.

Mileu has actually killed 4 people, that have tried to get into the house without Simon’s permission. The one man through the upstairs window, and 3 others, mostly kids who broke/snuck into the yard/house.
He only told Simon about the man upstairs because he though he should know, and prefers to keep the others to himself,ut of coarse would tell Simon on the spot if he asked.

2 thoughts on “Simonne le seuler et Mileu

  1. Pierre LSK says:

    “Simon the loner” should be translated “Simon le solitaire” in french.
    Or perhaps “seuler” is a Canadian/Quebec word but i don’t think so…


  2. Chance Lauziere-Peterson says:

    Yea I was consulting friends, and we figured it would be seuler.. since there was no ACTUAL translation we could find. But thanks!


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