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Masonic Jars

A pair of supernatural surveillance tools.


Visionary Bottle

Power: Minor

Effect: Visionary bottles are supernatural video cameras. The user instructs the bottle when to start observing its surroundings. This can be either a condition (someone entering the room) or a specific time (15 minutes from now). After the trigger event, the bottle pays attention for a number minutes equal to the percentile roll used to create the artifact (a critical success might last much longer). Later, the user can view what was recorded.

Description: Visionary bottles are, predictably, a glass containers, usually with some kind of stopper. Inside, they often feature an animal’s eye floating in some kind of preservative. The jar does not have to be large. To review what the bottle has seen, the user must open it and inhale the fumes. (A dipsomancy-made version may not use the eye, but would require drinking the contents.) The user is then granted a momentary vision (from the bottle’s perspective) describing what happened during the period the bottle was observing.


Crystal Vessels

Power: Significant

Effect: Crystal vessels are limited-use thanatomancer artifacts. You can look into the astral plane or spy on the material world, just like a demon. While casting out your sight, your point of view can travel through walls, or fly through the air; it is unaffected by physical barriers. Crystal vessels have a cumulative time limit, not a set number of uses. The artifact can be used for a total number of minutes equal to the percentile roll that created the jar. (A critical success last much longer.)

Description: Crystal vessels are, equally predictably, glass jars. Inside, a human eye floats in formaldehyde. The jar does not have to be large, only a twice as large as the eye itself. Also inside the jar is a demon. To activate the jar, the user must open it and inhale the fumes. The user directs the demon’s movements (travel speed can vary, determined by the GM) and sees what the demon sees for as long as he inhales the fumes. The user does not need to breathe just the fumes, but when he can’t smell the formaldehyde the demon is returned to the jar.

While the jar still has time remaining, the demon is trapped. After the time elapses, the demon is free to go on to its reward, or extract revenge.

Note: A dipsomancy-based version uses alcohol mixed with the ocular fluid of a fresh corpse. This version must be imbibed to trigger the effect.

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