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Prince is, like, totally clued-in!

C’mon! He wanted to be called “The Artist,” fer chrissakes!

The pop music performer, Prince, is obsessed with ascending as The Artist. He’s been fostering a reputation as an eccentric recluse for nearly two decades, with no sign of letting up. The problem is, he’s not really that clued-in.

Remember his first name change? He wanted to be referred to by a mystical symbol with no pronunciation. Unfortunately, its androgynous meaning resonated more with the Mystic Hermaphrodite than The Artist, so it kinda blew up in his face. I heard The Freak paid him a visit, but no one knows what passed between them.

After that, he wanted to be called “The Artist,” which is a pretty damn blatant tactic. A guy who repairs Prince’s recording studio told me that there are mytical rituals encoded into the songs on his latest album. When his fans sing along, they’re generating zeitgiest static to weaken the current Archetype.

I was talking to a boozehound about all this, and he said Prince must have already ascended, because he can smell a clockwork a mile away, and Prince has been one for years. That was after his second Dead Nazi, though, so take it with a grain of salt.

7 thoughts on “Prince is, like, totally clued-in!

  1. Andrew Ellis Troubio says:

    Dead Nazis? Christ, I thought you could only order those in Peru after 2 AM……

  2. The Tim says:

    A godwalker war in the public eye would be pretty neat. Everyone would be wondering why certain celebs are acting even stranger than they usually do.

    Oh and what’s in a Dead Nazi? I know how to make a Screaming Nazi but I’ve never heard of a Dead Nazi.

  3. Dan Bayn says:

    Honestly, I haven’t a clue. I don’t even drink 😉 It’s just one of the few drink names I remember, and a friend of mine always uses it as her “Drink That Will Get You Really Hammered” ™ point of reference.

  4. Trent Redfield says:

    A Dead Nazi is one shot short of a Third Reich (which is Rumplemintz, Goldschlager, and Jaigermeister). I can’t remember what two are in a Dead Nazi.

  5. The Tim says:

    If its Rumpleminz and Jaigermeister that’s what I learnt as a Screaming Nazi. Thanks for answering. I don’t drink but my friends who do like me to mix their drinks and they like things with messed up names that have high alcohol content. When their drunk I listen to their ramblings and construct them into UA scenarios. That and take their wallets.

  6. strange_person says:




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