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The Supermom

Some women need to do it all…

Attributes: The Supermom can do it all. Somehow she manages to have a challenging and rewarding career while raising a family, maintaining a meticulous home, is president of her local PTA and still has time for handcrafted gifts. Unlike the Mother, the Supermom focuses on the outward appearances of the perfect home, life and career, rather than any real nurturing.

Supermoms are the epitome of split focus and the need to get it all done. They simultaneously pursue the perfect home, career, family and community involvement. Note that in the occult underground the notion of career gets stretched a bit. For example, Doris Whitehead is a Sleeper as well as a Supermom. She balances saving the world from rogue mages with maintaining her traditional colonial home, home schooling her 5 children, volunteering at a shelter for battered women, being a partner at a law firm, coaching little league and is currently running for mayor.

The darker side of the Supermom is all too apparent. Supermoms are notorious for pushing themselves too hard and living self-destructive lives. Many fall from the path into suicide or additions to alcohol or prescription pain medication.

This archetype is only available to mothers.

The Supermom appeared only in the last few decades as a replacement of the former archetype the Goodwife.

Taboo: The Supermom does it all herself. She cannot ask for help or delegate responsibility.

The Supermom can’t pick favourites. If she has to choose between the business meeting and the soccer practice she distances herself from the archetype. She needs to find a way to do both.

Symbols: The minivan, homemade jam and the cell phone are all symbols of the Supermom.

Masks: This archetype is too new to have masks.

Suspected Avatars in History: Many believe that Martha Stewart is the current Godwalker of the Supermom. Some also claim Eleanor of Aquitaine walked an earlier path of this archetype.

1%-50%: Supermoms are notorious for being able to get a lot done in a day. Anytime she completes a discrete task, if she rolls under her Avatar: Supermom skill she suffers no fatigue from this task. So a Supermom could clean the house, spend a day at the office, organize a PTA meeting or go jogging and if she made her roll, she would be no more tired than she was before she began that activity.

51%-70%: The path of the Supermom affects interactions with women. When attempting to coerce, intimidate or command a woman, roll your Avatar: Supermom skill. If you roll less than your skill, drop the one’s place and add this to your applicable coerce/intimidate/command skill. (Example: Roll a 14, add 10 to your Fast Talk skill.) On the flip side, also roll on any attempt to charm, befriend or empathize with a woman, again drop the one’s place and subtract this from your applicable charm/befriend/empathize skill. (Example: Roll a 23, subtract 20 from your Shoulder to Cry On skill). Note: this effect only affects women over the age of 20 and also
pre-menopausal, it also doesn’t affect other Supermoms.

71%-90%: At this level, the Supermom no longer needs to sleep. This gives her a few more hours each day to get things done. She suffers no effect from the sleep loss. Darn shame if she is also an Oneiromancer.

91%+: At this level, a Supermom can literally be in more than one place at a time. This has numerous uses, not least of which is the bypassing of one of her taboos. The Supermom can use this ability only when she has multiple external demands on her time from different sources, and only if she makes her Avatar: Supermom roll. So she couldn’t use it to do the dishes and the vacuuming, because they are both from the same source – the house. If anyone else sees two or more versions of her at once, the effect ends (and major random unnatural effects have been known to happen).

Example: Doris Whitehead is an Avatar of the Supermom. On a given Monday night she needs to fly to New York to break up a ritual in Central Park, attend the awards ceremony for the little league she coaches for and also prepare her closing arguments for court the next morning. To do it all she needs to have 2 duplicates, so she has to make 2 rolls. If she only makes one of them, then she better hope she can get the trial prep done after the awards ceremony or she’s looking at taboo.

2 thoughts on “The Supermom

  1. Hey, You! says:

    I’m not sure about an avatar whose powers help prevent breaking taboo.

    I feel like magical paths and avatar paths should both require sacrifice in one area to gain power in another. Admittedly, you have to make a lot of sacrifices to get to 90%+, but I’m not sure that the channel should help avoid breaking taboo.

  2. strange_person says:

    The taboo shouldn’t be a matter of sucess or failure, just intent: if you TRY to do it all, take on every addtional responsibility you can get, the stress is (eventually) gonna kill you; but where there’s strong emotion, there’s power, and a determination to do it all yourself can, in and of itself, allow you to.

    Give it your best shot and you’ll do just fine; “Do or do not, there is no try.”


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