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The Hotel California

An otherside dimension, a prison of sorts, or a Room of Renunciation?

Ah that classic Eagles Song, well they didn’t just write about a fictional hotel, or some strange occurance, they wrote about a strange place they once happened upon. Or was it that they were trapped there and almost didn’t make it out… who knows.

The Hotel California is infact an Otherside dimension of a hotel, specifically a 4-5 star hotel.

The Entrance to a Hotel California is remarkably easy, or rather easier to find then others. There are several ingredients for this ritual that are required.

First: A room rented under your name at a 4 or 5 star hotel (diamond if Canadian). The Room must only be 1 room, excluding the bathroom.

Second: A Bottle of Pink champagne. That bottle must be placed on Ice in your room.

Third: Mirror’s must be placed onto the ceiling above the bed in your room.

Forth: Luggage. Simple eveyday luggage.. with Hotel California written as its destination on the tag.

Ritual Action: The room must first be purchased (The Room must cost at least $300), a Bellhop must take your bags to your room before you arrive to your room, then you order the Pink Champagne, and put it on Ice. Put the mirrors on the ceiling. (As long as they remain there during the ritual everything is fine). Then all you have to do is spend 2 Sig charges and Fall Asleep.

Some Adepts or practicioners of this ritual listen to the song while starting to sleep, they say it helps but I never used it. Lots of people question as to why someone would want to get into the Hotel California, there seems to be no REAL reason to be there… but I love it, and havn’t left yet.. So stop by and I’ll buy you a drink, champagne perhaps? Oh!, and remember…

“You can check out any time you like… but you can never leave…”

Whether that is true or not; again I can’t say, so why not stop by for the night….

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