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The Lone….Something….

Oswald wasn’t the patsy, Ruby was…..

Who doesn’t know about the goddamn JFK assassination? The theories abound about who was behind it, why they did it, and how the fuck a disgruntled semi-communist with a bad rifle and lousy aim managed to off the President.
Here’s the deal.
During his time in Russia, Oswald heard a lot of crazy shit. Including old wives tales and bits of occult heresay. As his genuine interest in politics dwindled, he began to look into the Underground. No-one knows how, but he found out about the Clergy, Ascension, and Avatars.
In a moment, his path was clear: Ascension. He set about making himself the very picture of an un-hinged dissedent, returning to the states and thinking very carefully about how he was going to make it into the Statosphere. He was originally trying for an archetype he called the Lone Warrior, unaware that the Masterless Man and the Warrior had been at each other’s metaphysical throats for eons trying to gain sway over this particular part of their respective sphere.
After the assassination (No, I ain’t got no freakin’ idea how he pulled it off. Some shit just doesn’t come out that easy), Oswald was brimming with cosmic energy, leading to his subsequent idiotic acts (well, how would YOU feel if you were high on the universe?) and arrest.
Of course, Oswald never Ascended. He was perhaps seconds away from it, but then Jack Ruby shot him.
Ruby, of course, was a Sleeper.
The irony of this is that the Statosphere seems to have had a place ready for Oswald as the Lone Warrior / Gunman / Nutcase / Whatever. And it’s a place the Statosphere wants filled. Abhorence of a vacuum and all that.
Witness the last 40-odd years as one damn gun-toting freak, acting alone, killing their way to an empty throne that has never had a king.
Look to Washington, my friends. Someone’s having another shot at the big brass ring.
So to speak.

Thanks for reading this. Any comments would be appreciated!


8 thoughts on “The Lone….Something….

  1. James Knevitt says:

    Cool idea. I like it.

  2. Andrew Ellis Troubio says:

    So..the thing that really tripped my trigger is the rumor that the “Death” tarot card was found near the latest victim. Only fifteen Major Arcana to go….

  3. Forrester says:

    It’s clumsy and obvious symbology . . . but I guess that’s supposed to be the point, right?

    Now, if he’s good, eventually there’ll be some deeply meaningful pattern of who he’s killed or where he’s killed them. You know, like that guy who was putting bombs in mailboxes to form an interstate Smiley-Face based on where the explosions took place.

    Shees. I can’t believe I just typed that :). I don’t have THAT many hardened notches in violence . . .

  4. Andrew Ellis Troubio says:

    Like that all the birthdays add up to 333….

    Or each of the victims had a name like Oswald, Booth, or Chapman.

    Or when rearranged through anagram, they spell out his name, purpose, and title in the Clergy.

    Speaking ofthe Smiley-Face bomber…why do you think he didn’t ascend?

  5. Forrester says:

    For one thing, Troubio, he didn’t finish the smiley-face! I think he did the eyes and a corner of the mouth, but that’s it. Tsk tsk.

    The Clergy frowns upon such incompetence. I wonder what he would have ascended *as*, though. Not the Lone . . . . Whatever. Trickster is probably closest, but doesn’t quite work.

  6. Andrew Ellis Troubio says:

    Possibly the Rebel. I heard that part of the reason the Unibomber let himself get caught was to avoid the avatars looking to nail him before he became godwalker. Or rather…why he let his proxy get caught. Ted Kasinsky is anagram bait, ain’t it?

  7. C.P. says:

    Rebel? No way. The rebel has to have a cause.

    I think you were much closer with the Trickster. Personally I don’t think a Trickster has any particular problem with violent pranks.

  8. strange_person says:

    What about the Comedian from the book The Watchmen? He had a lot of violence and smiley faces.


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