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Paht, according to Agrippa, maybe.

TNI’s recently-discovered charging ritual.

Cost: 10 minor charges.

Description: Take a liter of colloidal silver, 500 ppm concentration. This is available inhouse or online from several dubious homeopathic medicine sites. Add ten grams or so whole-wheat flour, stone ground, the kind you can get in any health-food store.
Mix in fifty mills each of ibis blood and your blood. You can bleed yourself however you want. Ibis blood is a little trickier. We’re working on getting an inhouse supply for each of the safe houses… try exotic petstores.

Mix it all together. Let stand under an ultraviolet lamp for ten hours, during which time the mix should also be exposed to a sustained A minor note. Get a synthesizer or something.

After the ten hours has passed, add thirty grams of soft tissue from someone who died of fluid in the lungs. Has to be a human being, no other requirements.

Bring the mix to a boil, and let it boil until the volume is down to about five hundred milliliters. The stuff should be thick and blue. Drink it “in a draught,” which seems to mean “all at once.”

Effect: If the ritual is cast successfully, the caster gains one significant charge.

If an adept uses this ritual, it is considered a violation of his school’s taboo. He does not lose the charge gained by the ritual, but he does lose all other charges.

The New Inquisition has discovered that repeated use of this ritual (more than twice) seems to invariably lead to argyria, a discoloration of the skin caused by buildup of silver in tissue. Four TNI ritualists are now a distinct bluish color.

3 thoughts on “Paht, according to Agrippa, maybe.

  1. C.P. says:

    Nice one. This has a perfect occult feel, great for unknown armies of course, and its exactly what a ritual should be, a throwback to the Middle Ages.

    I’m just not entirely sure what it has to do with TNI.

  2. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    They found it, they use it, they OWN it.

  3. ODLogan says:

    Yes, I’m kind of necroing this thread, but I think it’s important for anyone else looking through the archives to note that a single note can’t be major or minor, and thus that the “sustained A minor note” is impossible without some sort of strange, reality-warping magic. Perhaps an A-minor chord?

    Otherwise, this is a really cool ritual and I love the writing style.


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