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Secret Places

The secret world that doesn’t exist until you find it.

I’ve been walking up and down the same set of escalators for nearly two years. They lead up to an arcade of sorts that proceeds out onto the street at ground level.

Two weeks ago, curiosity got the better of me. I looked under the escalators.

And found a food court.

Decorated with fairy lights, it seemed rather otherworldly. Now I know that this food court must have been there all that time, but I can’t shake the feeling that something odd is going on.

Perhaps the food court just appeared when I saw it… How many ‘secret places’ like this are there? Has anyone else had an experience like this?

Maybe there’s a whole new world out there, hidden behind banks of escalators, behind ornamental shrubs, and painted-over doors. Maybe …

5 thoughts on “Secret Places

  1. The Tim says:

    On the top floor of one of the buildings on my college campus is a half height brown door in the wall for Mr. Short. I have not the courage to open it.

  2. Nick Wedig says:

    We used to explore for secret places in my home town all the time. I got to know the back alleys and hiding places better than most people knew the main streets. We found lots of tiny little streets that no one (even the neighborhood police, taxi and pizza drivers) knew were there.

    Somewhat related were the abandoned roads. In one part of town, an entire street of houses stood, empty, in various states of disrepair. Land developers had built the houses, and then realized the ground was prone to landslides, so the city put up a makeshift barrier and left it. Street signs were still up, and some older maps showed the neighborhood.

  3. JJ says:

    When I was in collage we found a door in the storage rooms above our theater stage. We figered we would find old props. We did find a well made bed and nightstand but the really freaky part was that all along the walls (lined up very neatly) where all kinds of doors. The director didn’t know the room was there we just figered the previous director kept the doors in the room for storage and maybe a student or two had a secret place to take a between class nap (or even more clandestine acts). We took the doors down but never opened them. Now I wonder where the doors might have lead had we not disturbed them.

  4. Greykev says:

    On the fourth floor of the library I work in there’s a room called the graveyard where old technology goes to die. In the back of the room a sort of closet was built to house the routers and such for the building’s token ring. I was up there sorting crap last week and noticed there’s a door in the closet blocked by the router rack. I’ve been in the office on the other side, and there’s no door there…

  5. Moko says:

    “Land developers had built the houses, and then realized the ground was prone to landslides, so the city put up a makeshift barrier and left it. Street signs were still up, and some older maps showed the neighborhood.”

    Well, that’s the story they want you to believe, after they found that torso pile.


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