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Goths. Not the German kind.

They may be kooky and alternative, but they have a more sinister motive behind them. At least there is an excuse to kill them now.

I don’t know when it started, but they’re there. Little groups of them. Dressed in black, wearing little ankhs and whatever. Going out at night, never going in the daytime in the fear that they might get a sun-tan.

But there are more and more of them.

The usual type-casting in teen films were the Jock, the Geek, the Cheerleader, and now there is the Goth.
They appear in some of the most talked about films of now. The Matrix for example (and don’t get me started on that).

There are a lot of goth-bands getting into the mainstream. Okay, it borderlines with industrial and darkbeat but it’s there.

They are getting into the mainstream. And one soon may be chosen. The New Inquisition might have been worried when the Sept of the Naked Goddess got an archetype into the Invisible Clergy. Alex Able is gonna have a fit if one of these people get in…

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