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Rule Brittania

With thanks to Warren Ellis for the inspiration

The British Empire never ended.Ever since Independance Day 1751, the population of the United States of America have been kept in the dark. Now, the British Empire rules the world from the shadows. Some governments are controlled by money, some colonies like Canada never became independant from British rule, some are governed by distant blood relatives of the Queen of England and some are controlled by darker means.

Thirty years ago, the Queen sought to retain the services of a cabal of Cliomancers. In return for their services, they would be guaranteed exclusive access to the many palaces and castles owned by the Royal Family. They backed up the British rule with the force of history itself, and when things looked tobe spiralling out of control they were authorised to dispatch trained Dukes, under the aegis of MI-13, to quell the problems.

The United States was a great big experiment. How would the world cope without the rule of the Queen? Occasionally, MI-13 personnel are assigned to detox duties, taking out certain key figures that would alter the geopolitical status quo far more radically than anything else. They have to make sure that too many germs don’t start corrupting their social petri dish.

One thought on “Rule Brittania

  1. Atomic Fae says:

    One of the best things about UA is the oppotunity to use alternate histories/weird conspiricies.
    This ones a gem, im definatly using it.


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