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The Leader

The path of those who command, and draw their strenght from the Respect they get…

Attributes: The Leader commands, and knows how to be obeyed – may it be through personal charisma or brutal coercion. The Leader has to be strong to be respected, may it be from body or mind, or both.

He is the one who gets the Respect.

With power however come (you guessed well) great responsibilities. The Leader is the one who decides, plans and manages, all for the good of those under his command. He may be the embodiment of a Cause, an Ideal, a Land, or even his own Interest, whatever: the Leader commands, he may be fair or tyrannical, but he always behaves as an example for his men, for their respect is what makes his strength true.

Power corrupts, though. The Leader’s dark side makes him a Tyrant, and death may await him in the hands of his very men.

This archetype is close to the True King, but is different in the fact that the Leader does not embody any unity with the Land. He is also close to the Demagogue but the Leader will try to convince people with his very deeds, not his words. The Leader’s power lies essentially in the Respect others do have for him, and this is certainly the most important thing for him.

Taboos: Never show even the slightest sign of weakness in front of the ones you command, or doubt will spread among your followers, and you will lost the very Respect that founds your power and right to lead.
Always act with strength and responsibility, and never fear your opponents. Be an example to your men for you must merit their loyalty.

Symbols: A Leader’s appearance must always be somewhat different from the men he commands and must always be easy to spot: this may be anything from military stripes and medals to a crown or a specific uniform, an elegant costume, or specific jewelleries or sign (like a family ring or a police officer badge for example), etc.

Masks: Ares (Greek), Athena (Greek), Solomon (Judeo-Christian), Sun Wu Kong, the Monkey King (Asian) >

Suspected Avatars in History: Caesar, Joan of Arc, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Mahatma Ghandi, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King, Malcom X, all were great leaders, capable of moving vast amounts of followers and being obeyed by them.

1%-50%: Give me Respect. The Leader knows how to be respected by other people. A successful Avatar roll will allow him to get a positive reaction from anyone he meets. Any social interaction roll with that person will then get a 20% shift. He must make a separate Avatar roll for every person he wishes respect from. He cannot get anything incredible however – having the respect of people will not make them do your every bidding.
51%-70%: Follow my example. The Leader knows his men, and knows how to inspire them even when things are becoming really hard. A successful Avatar roll allows the Leader to raise his people’s morale. Their faith and respect for him are renewed and strongly burning. In a fight, it may be translated by an automatically successful rally cry or a bonus shift of 10% to their fighting skills. In every case, to trigger the channel the Leader must produce a symbolical act that will inspire his men (fighting on the first line, charging when others are running, an important speech, any act with such a symbolical charge may do the trick).
71%-90%: You Will Obey. A successful Avatar roll will allow the Leader to actually force someone to obey to one (and only one) order. This order can even force the person to break her code of conduct (which may later lead to a Self or Helplessness stress check once the order has been accomplished) – she may not resist and must obey to the order. Additonal coercing can give a variable bonus shift to the Avatar roll (like holding the target’s family in hostage), at the GM’s decision. A simple failure to the roll will cause the target to react violently against the Leader, again at the GM’s choice (a follower forced to do something he normally would have refused may try to desert the Leader, or worse, betray him). So, any Leader should be very careful before using coercion on his own people…
91%+: Ultimate Sacrifice. The Leader’s men respect him at such a point that they are now ready to die for him. When the Leader is attacked, his followers will attempt to protect him at the cost of their lives. A successful Avatar roll will give to all of them an additional amount of wound points equal to the sum of the Avatar roll (for example a roll of 49 will allow 13 additional wound points to all the Leader’s followers.). Moreover, any failure to a stress check for any of the Leader’s followers will always result in a Frenzy rage targeted against the Leader’s opponents – they will never flee or get paralysed during the fight. All the Leader’s followers will sacrifice themselves to protect him and will start to do whatever they can to distract and receive all the attacks targeted at the Leader. If successful, this channel’s power lasts for a complete scene, which means the Leader can channel it at the start of any scene where he thinks he may get attacked.

2 thoughts on “The Leader

  1. Hengsen says:

    Hi there, this is my very first entry : I am French, so please forgive me any mispelling or grammar errors I could have made :->

  2. Detective says:

    Bonjour, mon ami. Vous avez un bon essai, ici. Bien fait.

    Actually, I didn’t see any spelling or grammar errors, though I did only glance over it.

    Except this: change “you will lost the very Respect that founds your power and right to lead.” to “you will LOSE the very respect ….”

    This looks nice. It’s a very broad avatar, but that’s okay. The powers are likewise broad and far-reaching.

    Another good leader in history was Lt. Winters, who lead the men of Easy Co, 101st Airborne through the allied campaign in France with unmatched distinction.



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