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The Mechanical Messiah

When mechanomancers get bored of the old god(s) they just build their own

For full details about this piece of history see the article in Fortean Times:

October 1853, on a hilltop in Lynn, Massachusetts, a group assembled to create the New Messiah. They had not come to pray or to praise God: they were actually going to build Him out of metal and wood under the supervision of spirits. When the body was complete, they believed it would be infused with life to revolutionise the world and raise mankind to an
exalted level of spiritual development.

The spirits gave their instructions through John Murray Spear, a former minister of the
Universalist church and recent convert to spiritualism. Born in Boston in 1804 and baptised by his namesake John Murray (the founder of the American branch of the Universalist church), Spear has been described as a “gentle, kindly, ingenuous” man who possessed a beautiful simplicity and an idiosyncratic mind.

2 thoughts on “The Mechanical Messiah

  1. Nick Wedig says:

    Funny, that was exactly the goal of my Mechanomancer PC in a D&D campaign (using the D20 rules from Ascension of the Magdalene), building a mechanical god (which I guess would have required one or more major charges).

  2. deathmonkey says:

    i’ve actually read about that before but for some reason, it never crossed my mind to integrate it into u.a. some how. good idea, thanks.


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