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More Plutomancy Variants

Piecemeal and Relativistic Plutomancy

Piecemeal Plutomancy: the central idea of piecemeal plutomancy is that $1000,000 in the hands of one man can do far more than $1 each in the hands of 1000,000 people.

Basically it uses the same charge structure as normal Plutomancy ($100, $1000, An Assload), but you can take no more than five dollars from any one source.

Relativistic Plutomancy: Based around the idea that not all money is equal. $10 out of the $7000 I was going to spend on a new car is nothing. $10 out of the $15 I was going to sue to buy my groceries is a lot.

For this variant the Taboo remains the same, but the charge structure is different…
Minor Charge: Get somebody to give you some money – any amount of money – that they have earmarked for something else. This could be the 25p they were going to be making a phone call with or the $600 they were just about to spend on a new handbag. The important thing is that they go without something they want.
Significant Charge: As above, but they have to give up something significant. This could mean giving you the $2000 they were going to spend on home security, or the $2 they were going to spend on a birthday card for their girlfriend
Major Charge: Get somebody to give you their life savings, the money for thier sisters operation, and so on.

One thought on “More Plutomancy Variants

  1. thanthos says:

    Swank! I really like this idea; the whole idea of “it’s not the value that matters, it’s the need of money that does” really hits me in a spot where I can’t really get at myself. I’ve been thinking of a variant for the charge rules in the sourcebook and viola!


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