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Ninja, yeah i said Ninja

As told by Steve McMannon in the Hallowed Ground bar, Pine Vault, England.

“Oh yeah, sure go ahead and laugh pal, your only laughing because you aint heard.
Were not talking about a bunch of pyjama wearing weirdos jumping around on rooftops. In the last few weeks some big league names have wound up in the obituries coloumn.
Spinster Anne who couldn’t be hurt by any man was found in her home with a single bullet wound and a lotus leaf in her hand.
That Mechanomancer James Winston, the one people kept killing only to find it was a clockwork imitation? Slumped in an alley, strangled by cheesewire, a lotus leaf on his tongue.
Even Blackeyes, the Manchester enforcer who everyone said wasn’t even human anymore. Floating in the river, no-one knows how he went but there was a lotus leaf in his mouth.
Im telling you these arnt katana weilding knock offs. This is the real thing. A cabal of dedicated, professional assasins who don’t seem to care about politics, come backs or even common sence.
They’re using modern weapons, they know how to get round electronic security. They’re not afraid of whatever weird powers youve got, they know how to kill you.
Bad shit, im telling you.
Some people have said its just a Sleeper team with a weird way of operating, but im not convinced. Theres talk about certain people having gone missing over in asia. People whos bloodlines might be important if you look the right way.
Im telling you. Be wary, there’s Ninja about.”

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