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The Clichemancer

sure we’ve all met that guy who tells us, “The grass is always greener on the other side!”

The Clichemancer

All the time we just thought he was an asshole(and we do still… well atleast i do.). Cliches however have recently become quite a potent form of magick. Magick thrives on emotional, and, who’s more emotional then a person thats pissed off, trying desperately but failing to get someone to stop using dumb cliches.

Generate a minor charge
To generate a minor charge the adept must speak using only cliches for five minutes.

Generate a significant charge
To generate a significant charge the adept must go an entire day speaking only in cliches

Generate a major charge
To generate a major charge the adept must use only cliches for a year

The adept breaks taboo if he goes through a day without using a cliche in most conversations he gets into (the meaning of “most” is up to the GM’s discrection)

Random magick domain
The clichemancer’s magick focuses around pissing people off and use of the english language(or german or whatever depending on what he speaks) as such his magick pertains to the same.

Starting charges
The clichemancer begins charge with five charges

Charging up
The clichemancer could gather five or so charges a day if he spends the day in a social place like a bar where its not hard to get to talking to people. Only five because of course he’s gonna slip up and at some point people are just gonna stop talking to him.

Clichemancy Formula Spells

Sorry, I did not mean to hurt you

1 minor charge
this is the clichemancy blast style. Obviously a cliche must be said when the spell is cast and it’ll be so dumb it makes they’re head hurt. Of course stupid saying only hurt so much. To represent this the PC may choose one of the dice to be the damage.

One day I will wake up, and it will all fit together
2 minor charges
The clichemancer often has an optomistic outview going into things. To represent this the PC gains a hunch by casting this spell.

If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success

3 minor charges
Well it’s true isn’t it. This spell (besides causing the aflicted to look rather ugly in the mouth region) puts them at a – 10% shift on al actions because of the pain of all their cavities. That is anyway until they go to see a dentist.

Laughter is the best medicine
4 minor charges
this spell is used to cure various ailments and hitpoint damage not caused by magick.

Avoid cliches like the plague
4 minor charges
on top of the four expended to cast the spell this allows the adept to shift five minor charges into a significant charge or one hundred significant charges into a major charge.

It’ll feel better when it stops hurting
1 significant charge
This is the significant blast for the clichemancer. This does basic blast damage.

The waiting is the hardest part
2 significant charges
This spell causes your enemies(yes all of them) to fail their intiative rolls… even if they have the skill.

Parting is such sweet sorrow
2 significant charges
In the middle of a car chase and need to lose them?… Just got a gun pulled on you?… well this is how you do it. If in a car chase this spell will put you at that well needed ten car lengths. If a gun got pulled on you you might suddenly find yourself around the corner three blocks down the road.
Carpe diem
3 significant charges
Cast it when you make an attack (or aim) roll during the battle. You automatically roll your highest possible matched success.

Most people don’t even know why they feel they have to work
4 significant charges
Having trouble getting through the campaign… This spell reveals to you some small secret that will help you figure out what to do.

MAJOR charges
a major charge for the clichemancer can do everything from give someone an aneurism to drastically changing the english language(or turkish or whatever depending on where your campaign takes place, or if they just felt like messing with the turks)

3 thoughts on “The Clichemancer

  1. Ian says:

    A note to GMs. Make your pc’s learn their cliches. A mind check on this could really ruin game play.. also in every instant make sure the cliche they use makes sense for whats going on around them. Do this with spells too. The clcihe useed for the spell name isnt the one that has to be used.. all in all just make sure it makes sense.

  2. Moloch says:

    How about for the major charge the Adept must create their own cliche, absolutely approriate for the situation but transferable to many others, and it must be picked up by at least 100 people.

    I know its a bit of a reversal on the true meaning of Cliche (a banal and uncreative little flipant comment) but it would be great…

  3. Ian says:

    its a good idea and other gms i coud recomend taking that into effect the only problem as that with just a little help from a cliomancer a clichemancer could do that all to easy. in fact even without one it could be done all to easy.. my friends and i have about a quarter of our school saying “you would” after every possible moment where it would make sense… and as far as im conccerned its become a cliche.


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