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Acquire Coins

A minor artifact, acquire coins draw attention to them… and away from you.

A common minor artifact of Plutomantic design, Acquire Coins are useful distractions when one is being pursued. In certain cases, they can also be used to make a quick get-away from a potentially violent situation.

Physically, Acquire Coins appear just like normal coins of any denomination, but they must have been minted in a palindromic year, which must be engraved on their surface (the recent months have seen a boon of new Acquire Coins, most of which were formerly either ancient or from 1991… Now, 2002 coins are everywhere).

When the owner of an Acquire Coin throws one down and yells “Acquire!”, all those except the owner must make a rank 4 Self check or attempt to gain possession of the coin.

Note that the coins will only function from a position of weakness. A coin owner could not walk into a bar with a shotgun, throw down an Acquire Coin, and proceed to shoot freely while everyone fights for the coin. However, Acquire Coins are excellent tools for fleeing, since they leave your pursuers at least momentarily confused.

Most modern coins are one-use minor artifacts, but some of the more ancient coins (especially coins minted before 1000 AD) are often permanent minor artifacts, which means that using it gives your enemies a new tool.

To create an Acquire Coin, a plutomancer must take a palindromically minted coin and keep it with a large quantity of similar coinage (at least 100 dollars worth) for a week. At the end of that week, the plutomancer must remove the coin and destroy or meaninglessly give away the other coins it was stored with (throw it out of a car window while speeding, pour it into the sewer, give the change to a charity without checking which charity it is—the ritual fails if it is given to a friend or easily recovered. After all the money is gone, the plutomancer holds up the soon-to-be Acquire Coin and kisses it. At this point, the charges are spent and the Magick roll is made. One use Acquire Coins require 2 minor charges, while a permanent Acquire Coin requires a coin at least 200 years old and Costs 2 Significant charges.

One thought on “Acquire Coins

  1. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Perfect. Well crafted, good ritual, well done.


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