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Today’s Rumors

What’s going on today?

A certain high-placed politician happens to be an adept… let’s just say that being able to travel from “Undisclosed Location” to “Undisclosed Location” when you have a security team to keep other people away from your source of charges, can be a very sweet setup.

A recent attempt at generating new charges in Paris failed. Two artists attempted to ‘create’ charges by placing fake historic plaques on buildings, the idea being that if people -thought- something famous happened there, then there would be enough energy to drain off into a charge. No such luck.

That old lady on the streetcorner? The one who’s always at the bus stop exactly two minutes before the bus arrives? Don’t make her late. If you do, the entire inner-city transportation system will collapse.

An avatar of The Farmer is being prevented from ascending only by a member of the Invisible Clergy: The Oil Baron. Unless The Farmer can get people to accept ethanol in their gasoline, he’ll never be able to ascend.

The next time you order a beer and a shot, pay the bartender with a two-dollar bill. When he tells you it’s not enough, pay him another $3.33. Then go home and wait. And hope you didn’t order a shot of the bartender’s special… a Waking Dragon.

For some reason, the Invisible Clergy have an interest in chess. Watching chess matches can help you divine the future. And god help us if the computers start winning.

A video-game nut managed to magik up a console that could play any kind of game… Nintendo and Sega cartridges, Saturn and Playstation CDs, X-Box and Gamecube, you name it. The Sleepers gakked him before he could go public with it. It’s now sitting in one of their headquarters, keeping agents amused while they wait for things.

You’ve heard the story about the rat’s head in the fast-food hamburger? Blame Mak Attax. Some fool got stones and thought the rat’s head would hold a charge better. He’s not so foolish… it’s a good thing the head didn’t get eaten.

2002 will be the last palindrome year until 2112. Watch out for bad mojo to happen on 12/21. Or 21/12, depending on your point of view.

One thought on “Today’s Rumors

  1. C.P. says:

    More! More!


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