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This week’s rumors

Will it be a weekly thing?

Like, y’know that girl, from that computer commercial? Yeah, she was trying to make an instant stab at becoming The Blonde. Didn’t work tho.

Get two tickets to that big movie everyone’s talking about, opening night. Sit in the third row, ten paces in. Have your date sit on the left of you. Eat three raisinettes and drink half of a large soda during the coming attractions. Halfway through the movie, get up and go to the back row, and cover up the hole the projector shines through. Return to your date untouched by any other person and kiss her. If she slaps you, then as long as you stay in that theater, you cannot be killed. If she doesn’t, run like hell, because if you don’t leave in 60 seconds, the crowd will tear you apart.

There’s a new sect of magic begining to grow, fueled by goths and gamers, where the dukes get charges by drinking the blood of other human beings.

Remember that TV show, The Pretender? How the hell did that one get by the Sleepers?

There’s a room of renunciation that doesn’t have as much business as it used to these days — you can only get into it through the refridgerator (one person saw it and used it as part of the script for Ghostbusters), and if you don’t realize what you need to, you’re put back into the fridge with the door closed and no air.

The world’s first and only case of an avatar switchingg his archtype occured just yesterday. A man who moved across the country to be with his younger girlfriend (originally an avatar of the Romantic) was dumped (instantly becoming an archtype of The Betrayed Man) and had a mental breakdown where he realized all his actions also fit perfectly with The Stalker. It’s not believed he withstood the mental stress this placed on him — if he did, it’s sure the Invisible Clergy is looking to get this archtype-slut wiped from rality.

Every time you get a magical charge, instill it into a Pringle and put it into an empty Pringle’s can within two minutes. (using the same can after the first one). If you fill the can and put the cover on, then go an entire month without gaining any charges. When the month is over, eat the entire can, without ever having a moment when there is no potato in your mouth. If you do, then you’ll get a major charge.

2 thoughts on “This week’s rumors

  1. Trent Redfield says:

    Keep them coming! The rumors section is my favorite part of this website.

  2. zalliragy says:

    All the crack pot theory’s ever wanted, and then some.
    Great stuff, keep it coming.


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