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Ticket to Ride (London Version)

Want to skip the wait for late running tubes, get synchronicity to take your where you need to be, or just loose the Duke who’ trailing you? Simple, just buy a Ticket to Ride

Cost = 2 minor or significant charges

Effect – For some, walking through the tube station at Monument and Bank can be a disorientating experience. For those who don’t know it, the two tube stations are merged together and connected by (what seems like) miles of corridors and escalators. The route between the two is straight-forwards, but the endless identical corridors and escalators can be disorientating.

For those in the know and with a bit of magickal information or juice, this disorientating can be used to their advantage. By entering Bank or Monument tube station and performing the ritual, you can get shunted off into an alternative set of corridors and escalators. If you walk for about half an hour you then find yourself coming out at the lobby of whichever London tube station you wish. If you have some serious juice handy and can afford to blow significant charges, then you can even get the ritual to make you emerge at a tube station nearest something you need/want in an act of synchronicity. For example, you could get the ritual to take you to the tube station nearest a person who could remove an astral parasite from you. Of course, it is still up to you to identify and locate this person once you get to your destination.

Ritual – Enter the tube station at either Monument or Bank and purchase any ticket from the automatic ticket machine. As your start down the first escalator give yourself a papercut on the middle finger of your left hand using the ticket and on the face of the ticket draw the London tube symbol (a circle with a horizontal line through it). Then as you walk down the corridor, but before you get to the next escalator, fold the ticket in half and then in half again and place it under your tongue. Then chant three times either the name of the tube station you want to go to, or name the thing or person you want the ritual to place you near. At the next escalator close your eyes and run down it (a body or speed roll will probably be required not to bump into anyone or to stop yourself from going flying at the end) and spend your charges or make your ritual roll.

If successful, then when you reach the end of the escalator and open your eyes you will be in a deserted version of the corridors. Even if a group of you perform this ritual successfully at the same time with the same destination you have to walk the corridors alone. Continue walking for about half and hour (you can stop and rest, but no matter what, you have to walk for the allotted time and the journey only takes about half and hour in the real world) and you will find yourself slowly coming into contact with people once more. You will then go up an escalator into the lobby of the tube station you requested. You can then take the ticket out of your mouth and use it in the automatic barrier or on the station guard.

The ritual journey does not particularly provide a quick short cut across London (although it does cut out any problems involving late running or cancelled tubes), and in fact can seriously increase the time it takes to reach your destination if the tube station you want is only a short distance away. However, it does make you almost impossible to trail. Anyone physically trailing you will loose you as you run down the escalator and whilst you are in the corridors you are invisible to any scrying magicks.

Because the ritual relies on the disorientating of senses, if you have gained your charges through acts which alter you perception (Dipsomancy, Onieromancy or Narco-Alchemy), the cost of the ritual is reduced to 1 minor or 1 significant charge.

One caveat exists: if you use the significant version of the spell you had better be prepared. The London tube system contains a number of disused and closed off stations, but if they are the one closest to the condition you required then that is where you will end up.

Versions of the ritual probably exist for each major tube system in the world if you know the system well enough and can identify which station it is which you need to perform it at.

3 thoughts on “Ticket to Ride (London Version)

  1. MikesMind says:

    Ok.. I am willing to admit that I am one only person I know who finds the walk between Bank and Monument freaky and wierd. Everytime I do it I get a nightmareish feeling of being trapped in endless corridors. Apologies to anyone who actually likes the place

  2. Punkey says:

    Actually, I think it shows something that we haven’t seen yet (I think) that would actually be kinda common, albeit rather unknown, and that’s localized rituals. You know, something that only works at one spot because it’s only significant there.

    That said, I like the ritual.

  3. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    This is one of my favorite rituals so far. I’ve an Urbanomancer PC who’s fascinated with the hair-splittingly small cracks between places, like the crack between districts, and using the blurring effect to link things. This kind of thing is RIGHT up his alley. This could also be in the Random Magic domain of Urbanomancers or Geomancers. All in all, I really like it. The otherspaces which aren’t EXACTLY another dimension… my favorite type. Like the Cardboard Palace.


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