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Gun Kata of the Tetragamatron Cleric

Channel your inner sociopath… for a while…

After seeing the movie Equilibrium, John Preston was so impressed with the martial arts invented for the movie (gun-kata… think kung-fu with pistols) that he began practicing… and practicing… and practicing.

He’s shot himself numerious times. Police have investigated multiple gunshot reports across the city. None of his friends will be in the same neighborhood when he’s practicing and if the lights ever go out while he’s in the room they’ll run like hell.

John thinks he’s got it right. Now he just likes to practice.

Power: Minor
Cost: 8 minor charges
Effect: Similar to Prowess of Samson, this ritual increases combat effectiveness with handguns… and only handguns.

To begin the ritual, you must wear a long black trench coat, large enough through the sleeves to conceal a handgun in each sleeve. Both handguns must be the exact same make and model ( a glock 17 in your right sleeve and a glock 22 in your left will NOT work). You must wear black leather gloves. The ritual begins when both pistols slide into your gloved hands. John favors a matched pair of Beretta M9 9mm pistols.

For the duration of one combat, you can flip flop all handgun rolls. By opening yourself up to the power of the ritual (and surpressing any emotional response, see below) you can increase your handgun skill for this combat only by 10%. For each 10%, you must accept one failed notch in the self madness gauge. Your handgun skill may not exceed your Speed stat.

You may fire both pistols simultainiously, either at a single target or multiple targets (no more than one target per pistiol) without penalty. There also no penalties for darkness or an obscured target (such as from smoke).

During this ritual, you will have an almost sixth sense of where targets are. You’ll feel them behind you, above you, anywhere in a twenty meter radius.

It’s not as cool as it sounds; to you, Every human in a twenty meter radius is a target. You must attack them without compassion, remorse, or any delusion of morality.

For the duration of this ritual, you must not show any emotion. None. You may not use your passions. This is a rank-5 self check. Also, you roll for violence checks as normal. Any failed notches immediately end the ritual.

Regardless of how long the ritual lasts, at the end your surpressed emotions return to you in a flood. Make a rank-7 self check or spend the next few minutes weeping at the souless creature you just became.

Incidentally, this ritual only works against humans. Attacking any animal (especially a dog or puppy) immediately ends the ritual.

3 thoughts on “Gun Kata of the Tetragamatron Cleric

  1. Qaphsiel says:

    I’m fairly new to UA, so I can’t really evaluate this mechanically, but:

    Dude, very cool.

  2. carsten says:

    Cool. Just two weeks ago I discussed the idea of gun kata as a quasi magical thing for UA. So, thanks for the links!



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