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Time-Limit Hunt

Someone has a reason to kill a child every five days. It’s been four since the last one.

Okay. You mooks, listen up. I called you all here for a reason. Sit down, shut up, and hold your questions for the end.

The man in this photo is Sanyedi Inchiti. He came into the country seven months ago, in posession of four-fifths of an ancient ritual not seen since the days of King Tut. He found the last fifth of it here in America.

The upshot of all this is that by killing a child and pouring his blood into some plastic, the guy can make a number of dolls, action figures, trucks, whatever, that’ll do his bidding. The Egyptians used this ritual to create golden figures that would keep the tombs safe from the inside. This guy’s using it to kidnap more children. Sick freak’s probably trying to form an army of toys.

The last child dissapearance in strange circumstances was four days ago. Which means he’s performing the ritual tonight. The folder on the table has directions to the toy factory that Sanyedi is a manager of.

The wife of the first victim was an old flame of mine, so I want this guy nailed to the wall. Take him down hard. Otherwise, I’ll have no choice but to get word to the Sleepers about what’s going on. And that’ll make life in this town tough for all of us.

And be careful. The ‘living toys’ may bleed, but they’re still as hard as plastic. It doesn’t take a very big knife to cut an artery, and these things have more than knives.

3 thoughts on “Time-Limit Hunt

  1. Punkey says:

    Ah, continuity. Nice way to tie it all together.

  2. C.P. says:

    The wife of the first victim? Perhaps you mean mother.

  3. InfinityWpi says:

    …. Yeah, mother, s’what I meant…

    No, it has nothing to do with a search for the Fountain of Youth, really…


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