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Relativomancer (AKA Speedfreaks)

The world spins with you as you feel motion course through every fibre in your body. You can just reach out and stop it, if you wanted to. The world only moves when you want it to. The world moves for you.

Einstein wasn’t too far off the mark, but you knew the real truth. When you were riding down the freeway, the world passing beneath your wheels, the road rushing up to meet your embrace, you knew those smug lab-coat fucks were wrong about their so-called “laws of physics”; that the cold wind cutting through your hair could just as easily be the still breath of a slumbering giant that was the tree growing to meet you. That while the world spun upon its axis, you were the only one standing still.

It had to be. That’s why you took up skydiving.

Go-kart racing, skydiving, parachuting, paragliding… you did it all. You lived for this shit. They had to pull you out of many wrecks in pieces, but as you lay burning in the mess of steel and blood and flesh, you proved yourself right and wrong. The world stood still for you when you flung the globe past your consciousness, time and space ceasing to have any meaning. It was absolute power. Absolute.

And you loved it.

The central paradox of Relativomancy that the adept draws his power from is that there is nothing to peg your ‘relativity’ to, no true standstill observer to say that A is moving towards B or vice-versa. That every man is a standstill observer to himself. Relativomancy is the catch on which you stand on to see the world pass you by, and the catch on which you move the world upon.

Generate a minor charge: Spend an hour travelling at speeds faster than normal pacing and observing how the world changes at differing speeds. This must be done at a somewhat leisurely pace, not when driving under extreme stress: in general, as long as checks for Driving or the like are required, it is not a leisurely pace. This hour does not have to be continous, but should not be seperated by breaks of more than 5 minutes in no less than 15 minute segements.
Generate a significant charge: Spend an hour travelling at extreme speeds and observing how the world changes at that speed. Sky-diving, bungee jumping and other sports where you are more or less “in control” gives you a charge: taking a ride on the bullet train does not. Like the minor charge, the hour does not have to be continous, but should not be seperated by breaks of more than 10 minutes in no less than 10 minute segements.
Generate a major charge: Experiencing, first-hand, a major speed change from zero to nothing and then back again, such as taking a ride on a fighter-plane and parachuting out from it.
Taboo: If you ever lose the ability to move freely, by either magick or being crippled physically, you lose all your charges. The Narco-Alchemist’s minor spell “Serpent on the Pole” is an excellent way to kill a speedfreak.
Random Magick Domain: Relativomancy is about relativity, and its effects on an observer. Making yourself move faster, making others move slower, making a tree grow from nothing to a titanic oak… you cannot pin anything down (i.e. not controlling how fast or how large the tree grows in the end), but you can make them happen and leave the rest to whoever is observing it.
Starting charges: A newly-created speedfreak has 6 minor charges.
Charging tips: Relativomancers can gain, on an average, anything from 3 to 9 minor charges a day if he drives a motorcycle or a car. Of course, professional extreme sportsmen such as professional skiers or skydivers have an edge; a Mach III pilot is a wet dream come true for speedfreaks.

Relativomancy Minor Forumla Spells:
Displacement (1 minor charge)
This is the speedfreak’s Blast spell. It simply displaces a loose object from the Relativomancer’s surroundings into the body of subject of the spell. Owning to the nature of this spell, the object and anatomical location displaced is completely random. This spell is also useless in a void or vaccum.

Paradoxical Relations (1 minor charge)
Your will extends to the paradoxical natures of other adepts, causing their link to the source of their power to become weakened. All adepts around you suffer a -10% shift to their magickal abilities.

Adrenaline (2 minor charges)
The Relativomancer moves at twice his speed, giving him a +30% shift to all Speed-related skills and most Body skills. This spell lasts for the number of rounds (in combat) or the number of hours as the tens digit place on the Relavitomancy check.

Trauma (2 minor charges)
The subject of this spell is stricken with the shock of everyone suddenly moving extremely fast around him, so that he takes a -10% shift to all rolls. For every additional charge expended, you can make it an additional -10%, to a maximum of -50% for 7 minor charges. This spell lasts for the number of rounds as the tens digit place on your check.

Absolute Nothing (3 minor charges)
You become nothingness as you hold yourself still in contrast to the world’s spinning: observers watching you would see you merely fade away into the distance at a horrible rate as if collapsing upon yourself, while you are in “realtiy” still able to move and interact with objects as usual. While the spell lasts, you are just effectively “not there” to mortal minds.

Relativomancy Significant Formula Spells:
E = MC2 (1 significant charge)
This is the Relativomancer’s significant Blast spell, in all ways similar to the minor Blast spell except this time you can direct the object to be displaced or the anatomical location for it to be displaced to. If you were lucky, you could trade a grain of sand for your foe’s still-beating heart. Eat your heart out, you sick bastard.

Subjective Reality (3 significant charges)
You move so quickly that time soon slows down for you, to a mere pinprick trickle. You are able to interact with physical objects and the like for three rounds although the others are not able to, and at the end of the spell all damage and movements made by you to reality all occur within a milisecond. Firearms cease to function, however, due to its mechnical nature requiring timed precision. All attacks are made against others as if they were helpless. Using this spell requires the Relativomancer to make a rank-4 Self check and a rank-7 Isolation check when the spell is over.

Critical Mass (4 significant charges)
You switch places with the subject of this spell, immediately. You must be at least familar with the subject of this spell (spend at least 10 minutes talking or otherwise interacting with him/her); distance is not a factor, but your imprompt arrival may cause some stress checks to the people witnessing your arrival. If the target is unprepared for this displacement, she/he would have to make a rank-7 Helplessness check and a rank-6 Unnatural check.

6 thoughts on “Relativomancer (AKA Speedfreaks)

  1. Mattias says:

    Intresting! Absolute Nothing seems overpowered and the blasts really do minor and major blast damage, right?

    I did something like this a while ago, but with different charging:

    Minor: Travel twice as fast as the law allows for at least one minute.

    Significant: Break you personal best speed.

    Major: Break the world record. Or travel faster than anybody has ever done before. (Jury’s still out on that one)

    But that’s, of course, MUAC

  2. thanthos says:

    Hahaha yeah they just do minor and major blast damage. Thanks for your compliment, perhaps I should really change my major charge generation to yours too since it does seem harder…

  3. InfinityWpi says:

    Hrm. Major charge: Jump out of the door of a vehicle going 12,700 mph while 200,000 feet in the air?

  4. strange_person says:

    I, too, thought up a school simmilar to this; but it’s all based on running, not just general motion. The weird thing is, the minor formula spells were almost exactly the same; the minor blast made the target fall over and skid across the ground as though they had been running as fast as you currently were; Paradoxical Relations was replaced with Follow Me, allowing a single ally to run along with you (and gain the benefit of your assorted speed- and endurance-enhancing spells), Trauma was Exhaustion, and Absolute Nothing was The Flash (and only worked for as long as you could sprint).

    All the sig formula spells were totally different; one of the more expensive ones (The Battle of Marathon)allowed you to run forever without tiring, as long as you didn’t slow down or turn for anything less than the curvature of the earth (if you did, the spell ends), another (Don’t Look Down) allowed you to continue running in a straight line in the absence of any floor or other supporting structure, as long as you could continue failing a Spot roll every round (with a cumulative +10% shift every round).

    Getting a sig charge was based on running yourself to exhaustion for no reason other than running; major required that you solve a problem by running away from it. This could be done easily enough with the Don’t Look Down spell, a persistent but foolish pursuer, and a large cliff, were it not for the prohibition against spell combos allowing a net gain of mojo.

  5. thanthos says:


    I should start creating a school about originality… paradox? That there’s nothing truly original under the sun, but of course your worldview is based on you being truly original.

    And then someone will tell me that this isn’t original as well… and I gain a minor charge. Isn’t that peachy now.


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