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The Harsh Provider

Hello daddy…

Attributes: The Harsh Provider (or the Unforgiving Parent) is a dominator: he runs his household with a firm and often iron-fisted hand that both whips and feeds. He is often feared, hated and despised, but also at the same time reverred, grudgingly grateful and respected for his presence. Without the Harsh Provider nobody can grow, but it is the Harsh Provider himself who restricts their growth with rules. The Harsh Provider’s avatars must be male.

Taboos: The Harsh Provider must never be seen showing compassion or sympathy to anyone; his brand of love is the cruel end of a belt buckle against the bare bottom of a child who is in error.

Symbols: The belt, the whip and the icy stoic glare of a man are all symbols of the Harsh Provider.

Masks: Virtually all “orthodox” fathers in the world.

Suspected Avatars in History: (editor’s note: can’t think of any!)

1-50%: At this level, the Avatar can use his Avatar: Harsh Provider for his Struggle or Firearms skill instead whenever attacking someone who he thinks is ungrateful for all he has done for the “child”, a “child” in error of his ways or a “child” who is openly rebellious. The Avatar can activate this power once a day per category, and it lasts for the entire action, depending on how long it takes, but not more than a day.
51-75%: The Avatar can now inflict fear and trembling in all who sees him in his rage. Whenever the Avatar’s rage stimilus is activated, with a successful Avatar: Harsh Provider check all who look upon his visage take a -10% shift to their stats and skills.
76-90%: With a successful Avatar: Harsh Provider check, the Avatar can provide for up to the tens digit of his Avatar skill number of people (i.e. 74% can provide for 7 people, 87% for 8), including himself if so desired, for a day. Providing in this way allows the subjects of this power to go without sleep, food or water for a day (24 hours).
91%+: All attack rolls made against the Avatar that is under his Avatar: Harsh Provider total can be treated as a “match” on the ones place when calculating damage, depending on how it would yield the most favorable damage (i.e. 91 can be taken as it is, while a 37 can become a 33). Also, the Avatar can reroll all stress checks as long as the first roll was under his Avatar: Harsh Provider total; the Harsh Provider can be relentless and fearsome when trying to fend for his family.

2 thoughts on “The Harsh Provider

  1. MisterMandible says:

    If the class allowed for females, then I could easily see Joan Crawford (as depicted in “Mommy Dearest”) as a perfect one.

  2. Tim Struck says:

    In my game, the Harsh Provider is a perfect contender for the Patriarch slot in the Invisible Clergy.

    Thanks a lot.


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