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Narco-Alchemy: More Significant Works

When the straight dope just ain’t enough.

Silver Ghost (1 day’s work)
Casual Narqui tend to crave for something less potent to smoke in the periods between when they’re lost in the crystal clarity of the world and the dull drudgery of the world, and ordinary cigarettes just don’t quite cut it. A stick of menthol- any brand, as long as it’s not exceedingly strong- can be unrolled and then re-rolled with the oil extracted from the hair follicle of a pure white boar, and then smoked: and sometimes, the results amaze even some of the most hardened Narquis. If done properly, the smoker gains a permanent 1 point increase to his Initiative skill (cannot increase beyond the Speed stat, as usual) and, while the hit lasts (usually less than a minute), the smoker is smoother, faster and more… fluid. Just like the trailing smoke from the end of the Silver Ghost. In game terms, this means that the Narquis always moves first for any combat, but when the hit wears off, he would move slower as he stresses his joints to compensate for the momentary boost of speed: no matter what his Initiative is, he would move last until the combat is over, and he is given a chance to catch is breath. Or another hit of the Silver Ghost, of course. If smoked by anyone else other than the Narquis who prepared it, or if done incorrectly, the cigarette smokes like an ordinary menthol, except that it tastes exceptionally oily and overly smooth, to the point of being sickening.

Brahman (3 days’ work)
In Hindu mythology, Brahman is the indescribable, inexhaustible, omniscient, omnipresent, original, first, eternal and absolute principle who is without a beginning, without an end, who is hidden and who is the cause, source, material and effect of all creation known, unknown and yet to happen in the entire universe. The Narquis’ Brahman is just that: when 5 ml of alcohol distilled and drawn from an old bottle of potato vodka (at least 20 years old) is mixed with alcohol distilled and drawn from a fresh bottle of rice wine (no more than 1 day from production), and is used to extract crystal meth that is then snorted, the user suddenly becomes one with the nature of all things. Natural, unnatural or otherwise, when the Brahman is snorted the user instantly learns to speak a language of any choice permanently from the rush of insight that floods his senses. In addition, for the next 4 to 6 hours while the hit lasts, the user can make sense of the senseless and find patterns in almost anything. In effect, the user doesn’t have to make any Unnatural checks under the rank of the ones-digit on the roll made to create the drug, and also gains the limited ability to make sense of most cryptology at a glance.

Tea Bag (1 day’s work)
Served only in particular Coffee Bean outlets around the world, the Narquis working in these coffee shops splice a single cup of strong, oily-looking Earl’s Grey with an unknown quantity of nutmeg and some powdered human bone, serving it to the adept who asks for “one tea bag, please” at the counter while handing over a used $50 note. When downed, the user is suddenly filled with a keen “second sight” that allows him to see all Avatars channelling more than 5% of their archetype’s path while the effects of the nutmeg lasts (usually 12 to 24 hours, depending on body mass). The psychoactive effects of the drink allow the user to also positively identify what archetype the Avatars are channelling by the symbols floating above their respective heads, if they’re doing it consciously or subconsciously by the magnitude of the light radiating from the symbols, and how long they have been walking that path by how worn the symbols appear to be. Also, if the user has a skill similar to Aura Sight, he gains a permanent +1% to it.

Lazy Boy (1 day’s work)
Work on the bench tends to get dull and dreary when there isn’t anything to smoke: the Lazy Boy was created for this very purpose. This significant work is made up of half an ounce of weed (14 grams) that is subsequently laced with a teardrop gathered from a male virgin, then all rolled up into 4 hits (blunts, bongs, whatever). The Lazy Boy is usually passed around a group of Narquis working together, especially if there are senior Narqui around, and with good reason too: while the hit lasts, the Narquis gains a shift to his Magick skill equal to the original tens-digit of those who smoked it before him.
Example: Adam, Betty and Charlie are all stoning out together. Adam (Narco-Alchemy: 40%) packs Lazy Boy and takes a drag from it, passing the bong to Betty (Narco-Alchemy: 17%) who also takes a hit and passes it to Charlie. Betty now gains a +4% shift to her magick skill, putting her at 21%. However, when Charlie (Narco-Alchemy: 33%) smokes it, he gains a +5% shift to his own skill (4 + 1), and when Adam smokes it once more as the bowl is passed back to him, he only gains a +4% (3 + 1), since he can’t benefit from his own smoke.
Unlike most other significant works, however, the Lazy Boy does not leave any lasting effects: it does, however, produce 4 hits from a single day’s work, which more or less balances out the pros and cons of the entire situation.

Bogart (1 hour’s work)
Rumoured to be the work of a Narquis who was mighty pissed at someone who continually hogged a blunt (‘Bogart-ing’), the Bogart is one hell of a joint: cut with weed-killer, roach-powder and possibly anything the Narquis can get his hands on, when smoked, the pot hits the smoker like a solid punch to the chest. With a steel gauntlet. And 12” spikes. Leaking radioactive acid. Smoking a Bogart is amount to getting hit with a significant blast when it comes to damage, and, in addition, the cut makes the trip horrible; when the smoker does come down, he loses 1 point permanently off his Body stat. Getting roach-powder in your lungs can’t be good, man.

Van Gough (2 days’ work)
Anyone who ingests this mystically-imbued absinthe is immediately struck with a crystal-clear vision of something- anything he or she wants to see- happening at the moment for up to 5 minutes. It can be a person, an event, or absolutely anything at all: as long as it is happening now. In addition, the bitter liquor grants the drinker a permanent 1 point increase to his Soul stat from the crystal flashes the drug gives to those who imbibe it.

4 thoughts on “Narco-Alchemy: More Significant Works

  1. Nick Wedig says:

    I like these. I myself would make the effects of Brahman based on the tens digit rather than the ones, though. It ties the effectiveness of the drug with the quality of the roll more, and helps balance the power a bit, in that the efeects are naw limited by the skill’s level (eg, a starting Narco-alchemist could not protect himself from majorly big stuff).

  2. thanthos says:

    Thank you. 🙂

    I made it on the ones-roll because of the nature of crystal meth: potent, but the trip is also rather unpredictable. You could go tripping for the entire night and only go into a hazy warm glow, or you could start seeing tentacles grow out of your arms: and you would still laugh at it. Plus, there are metagame considerations, since you already get to learn a language of choice.

    Personally though I’m quite proud of the Bogart: I think it’s the first anyone has come close to making a blast for the Narco-Alchemist? 😛

  3. Lifemask says:

    man, if you’re going to cut a joint with all that stuff, you don’t need a charge to F*ck someone with it. I would suggest a little research into the effects of putting weed killer and fire into the same enclosed space, too. Can anyone say kaboom? I love the lazy boy, however. Very nicely thought out.

  4. Scurve says:

    The Lazy Boy is excellent — I just don’t know how it would be used in play. Rare is the PC group in which everyone chooses to be a Narqui. Maybe one sharing it with some of his Narqui NPC buddies, I suppose.

    These are all nice, though. Thanks 😀


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