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Shadows within Shadows…

One of the most least touched on areas in UA: The Government. Here is a little weirdness…


OK, they’ve got your file down at the CIA
They say you’re worse than Manson for the U.S.A.
It’s no grief if you can see-thru the source of it
It’s only true if you’re bruised by the force of it
So Kurt I heard that you opened your eyes
They call it work but it don’t make it civilised

KIRO TV – Sneaker Pimps


None of this has been edited. It was a collection of ideas that I stumbled on again. They felt very UA so I posted them here.

It is mostly the skinny on these organisations. Embellish where you want.

Everything is for your consumption and scavenging. Use, misuse and omit to your desire.

Please note: I specifically left the Government vague, small-time players – most of whom are clueless to the ramifications of the Underground.

PART ONE: The U.S. Government and you and Unknown Armies

Unlike the majority of role playing games out there, the government is often overworked as the ultimate bad monkey or the lackeys to the Global Satanic Conspiracy. Delta Green for the Call of Cthulhu game has an amazing resource for the government and its minions.

But this is not that game. Sure its fun to have shadowy delta force soldiers shooting at you and evil nazi-alien-shoggoth-technology killing boozy peasants in Arkansas but frankly this is UA and it is a little more schizophrenic than that. In UA agents do not come in the middle of the night and drag off to the asylum because you’re telling the truth, they haul your arse off because you’re a danger to yourself and society. And, all facts considered, they actually right.

The second is the problem with magic-with-the-Special-K is, as the saying goes, what will you risk to save the world? Sure you can get that spell that allows you to shoot lightning from your eyeballs but you have to torture and eat six small children in front of there stricken parents. Somewhere there is a ritual that gonna allow you to do that.

Then again most characters tend to avoid this sort of thing and unless the adventure focuses upon the cannibalistic bad ass that starts up a day care centre for the local neighbourhood. Most characters would rather go off and keep to themselves, letting the law enforcement officials’ deal with the not-right magician with the glow-in-the-dark eyeballs.

Thrusting our trusty characters jump into the fray and save at least 50% of the day.

So why have conspiracies? UA is a game of secrets and hidden shapes in the shadows – everything about UA is grimy and slimy cloak-and-daggers stuff. UA is about the will to do what is necessary, its down to each individual regardless of social affiliations.

To clear the playing field the Shadow Government has very, very little impact on the Occult Underground and vice versa. Both monitor each other (when they can be bothered) through the Occult Mainstream.

So what actually plays in the government. There are two major cabals and a number of enterprising dukes fighting for their own nests.

The Avatar’s Ballroom
In the immediate arena are the Avatars. Adepts do not generally make good politicians except for the few obscure schools that do pop up. 99.99% of the occult activity in government is by competing Avatars. Clusters of low-powered types to the jostles of the upper reach single, powerbrokers. Of all the Avatars that are found in government the demographic swings to these eight types. Occasionally there are other Avatars but they are either the minority or are actually too-securely cloistered in their environment. Many of these archetypes are channelled haphazardly and unknowingly until the channeller accidentally breaks taboo.

These archetypes are the most common:

Flying Woman
Masterless Man
Necessary Servant
True King
Two-faced Man

The Avatars are by far and large oblivious to the Occult Underground and their paths cross infrequently, sometimes disastrously. Any mid-level politician has a tremendous amount of leverage with law enforcement. Beware the lowly adept that pisses the politician right off… They do try to solicit cabals and dukes

Simply put there is a secret government that controls the people on television. There two separate compartments on which these two exist – and war with each other. The one is the Masonic royalty that is still labouring after the death of their True King – JFK – the greatest king of any nation in the past few centuries. These Old Boys still possess a tremendous amount of power and influence and sit tight on the luxury of old money. The Court functions as a germ line of royalists and they are all old-school magicians. Due to the extent of their influence and power, certain countries in the USA actually generate magic power for them and their rituals – the most prominent being Washington D.C.

Essentially the division between the military industrial complex is the Secret Masons (Military) and the CIA (Industrial). The two do work with together, but the CIA is the master and the Masons, slaves.

THE SECRET MASONS – The Architects of Government
Every Secret Mason (not Freemason, but they still all have to be high-ranking Freemason members first) channels the Magus archetype (Ascension of the Magdalene pgs. 52 – 53). In addition to the usual channels, the last Magus Godwalker declared his channel to be that no Magus shall be able to remove by any means, direct or indirect, a Magus from the rung above him; except if that magus has willed the position open to that person. This also means that there is no Godwalker channel open anymore, because the last one vanished without naming a successor. The highest anyone can get is 99%. And no one person can raise his Avatar: Magus’ ranking equal or above the person next in line without that persons express verbal permission.

The Secret Masonic Priesthood of America formed to turn their country into a place of reason where people could raise themselves up with fear of tyranny and subjugation of evil kings – mundane or magical.

If any masons are adepts they are likely to be Cliomancers and with all that history lying around that only they can get to, they can suck up those charges like the free drinks in an election run. What sort of charge could you get off the surgical mask Lyndon Johnson used to wipe himself off?

The Tan Wastrels (Masons)
The Secret Masonic Fathers decided that simple sorcerers were to be allowed, but god-things (Avatars) could not. While England was enjoying the mystery of the Gothic era, America had agents scouring the country side taking down tin-pot cultists that flourished in tiny, dusty towns. The Tan Wastrels were known and feared throughout civilised cities and the wilder parts. Eventually the Tan Wastrels become corrupt and formed posses, controlling protection rackets and renting out as hit men for the arcane.

The Masonic fathers decided that this was not the way to go and withdrew their support. The Tan Wastrels suddenly had no official leverage and scattered, hunted down by the law and vengeance-filled hard-done-by adepts looking to even the score.

The Masonic fathers decided that America could police itself and after forming a little gentleman’s club, New Atlantis. New Atlantis has a number of clubs around the United States. To become a member, the aspirant must be a free mason, a politician, a person of good standing and be sponsored by a member. The aspirant must be accepted by a majority vote. The aspirant cannot be an avatar – except the Magus – but may be a small-time magician of sound mind and good judgement (good luck in trying).

There have been a few exceptions (including two non-mason woman) but the magical regulations remain firm.

What actually keeps the Secret Masons in charges is Washington D.C. D.C. is one huge and massive sorcerer’s dynamo for them. They pop-off one significant charge every month! The amount of minor charges is not counted and generally fed back into the engine as “axle grease”.

Washington D.C. is probably the only known Major artefact in the world today. It’s just that no one is going to try and steal it in a hurry.

When America’s Project Paperclip collaborated with the Nazi’s Odessa much more was shared – and smuggled out – with the Alan Dulles OSS than mere war criminals and state secrets… It was also the start of the CIA – the governments Cult of Secret Intelligence.

Select items the Nazi’s looted from private collections and museums, tomes bullied from the Vatican. The Nazi elite, the SS or (the Order of the Death’s Head), was the last of the active and public occult orders.

When the CIA started up a core part of the group was designed to process this occult knowledge and use this knowledge to ensure the survivability of the CIA and America – in that order. Despite its duties, AK-12 was never part of the CIA. Then again most things attributed to the CIA are never part of the CIA…

AK-12 is the CIA’s answer to government sorcerers. They did experiment with a few boozhounds, but quickly cleared them away when data from MK-ULTRA gave them Narco-alchemists. All five of the wizards in AK-12 are narco-alchemists with their own labs and the AK-12 sends agents to locate obscure texts for them. The Narquis are known as ULTRAKREW ONE.

Apart from the Narquis in the CIA’s employ, the CIA also collects oddball titbits of esoteria, but nothing apart from curiosities. They have a secret warehouse containing things like…

A large fossilised dinosaur egg with CHRONOTIPE MOÇION SISTIMS (ICCMP) anodised on the side in bold twelve-point Arial Black font. Carbon dating proves it’s been around for one billion years.

A doctoral thesis proving Bohm’s Implicate Order Theory and discovering in the process the mathematical formula governing the interactions of psychonons – the particles that create consciousness. The author – a science teacher – was shot for reasons of national security.

A gun that shoots but the bullets do not leave the barrel but the country aimed at loses value in their currency.

A broken-off at the hilt Roman short-sword, whose ghost-blade will cut spirit and ghosts and souls, is whispered to be the true Excalibur. If any metal item is forged with splinters of the sword, the weapon will share the spirit-damaging properties.

A large, clear-whiskey bottle with a tiny floating black-eyed embryo marked with a label reading Aiwass. Sometimes the albino-embryo thing moves and shudders as if in pain.

The entire front fuselage and cockpit of a space shuttle emblazoned with Nazi insignia and all the lettering is in German. The shuttle is dated as 1987.

BACKSTABBING: Masons and Kontrol and JFK
JFK was another one of the Presidents supported by the Secret Masons. He was their King and a source of their power. But on the 23 November, 1963 on Dealy Plaza, Kontrol successfully enacted a coup on the secret government by paying a million dollars to military-trained Mafia to assassinate JFK.

Five, cold-iron bullets shot out over the motorcade and struck JFK a dolorous blow. The death knell was felt as a wave through the US.

Like a flower cut off from its roots, the Secret Masons shrivelled and without Washington D.C. dragging them along, would have died years ago. JFK was the last divine king in the US with the CIA-AK12 usurping control from the Secret Masons.

Since that day, the CIA with Alpha Kontrol Twelve has been the ruling elite priesthood in government. They dare not openly fight Mason, but still keep tabs on their activities.


One of the biggest FBI files on the Underground is Profile X – and they haven’t a clue that its there! It is a massive dossier and evidence locker on unproven or unprovable crimes – particularly murder or horrible deaths. Many case studies of adepts and cultists sit in this basement of the FBI. It is used as a cross-referencing exchange between the different departments of the FBI. Profile X is known as the Occult Bureau. It has one full time librarian.

Apart from criminologists and psychological profilers and the odd extra case study research, Profile X is purely a dump for the stuff too weird or twisted for other departments, or even stuff other agents want to disappear. Many pieces of evidence not wanted in an investigation are eaten by the Occult Bureau.

The DPI has since fallen into disuse since its only operative Peter Shear died of acute exploding head. Peter Shear was a dipsomancer that got his mojo ploughed with powerful drinking cups so that he could sniff-and-sip dead agents and extract their secrets for the CIA. Someone was apparently smarter and booby-trapped some memories for DPI’s spirit-sipper.

DPI is attempting to find another combination of loyal agent and boozehound.

Somewhere in the deep suburbs of America is the Shucking House. It was once a sprawling ten bed roomed place filled with laughter and joy, two happy with ten beautiful sons. Then they where all called to fight in WWII and not one of them came home. The Father ran away and mother went crazy. Then she was taken away.

For years the place just sat there. Occasionally someone would move in for a while before moving along. Sometimes they were family members or merely renting. But no one stayed long. Not that the neighbours complained, it was better that someone took care of the place that let the street riffraff squat in it. The house was just too sad and everyone was secretly glad someone else was in that morbid place.
In 1950, a team of men claiming to be from the War Widow Society moved in and kept the place nice and tidy. They move stuff into the house all the time and sounds of furniture falling over or banging can be heard at the oddest times.

The people that work for the War Widow Society tend to change fairly regularly.

The Truth is that the mother went nuts when her ten sons died in WWII. She generated such an obsession that she became what occultists call a mageekian. She created a spiritual vacuum so great that it can be felt by the living – it manifests as a cold ache in the joints regardless of how warm it is.

What does happen is that nature abhors a vacuum and tries to fill it. Every so often – a couple of months or so – a nonentity (UA2 304) bursts from a cupboard or wardrobe or something similar, destroying it in the process of its violently thrashing birth.

The nonentities hang around for a while getting acquainted with life and then move along. Once they’re gone the universe tries to fill the void again.

Since the CIA found out about this place (MK-ULTRA debriefings) they bought the house under a dummy front and keep filling the place with cupboards, kists, wardrobes, large baskets, etc. Seeing a nonentity being born is Rank-2 Unnatural check.

When a nonentitiy is birthed the men take it away to train as an operative. The CIA have been doing this since the fifties. The nonentities are given fake names and motivations and education. Then they are sent to do certain tasks: spying, infiltration, assassinations, being a political patsy, etc. Getting reasonably intelligent agents that have no documented history, that blend naturally, that are psychologically pliable, that accept information without questions, and have no moral and ethical qualms about what they do… are any spymasters wet dream. The CIA has been exploiting this renewable resource for over fifty years now. And no one’s the wiser except the conspiracy nuts yammering on about Oswald clones and lone gunmen.

In 1947 the Masons assisted in designing the Pentagon using Sacred Geometry. It isn’t its shape to keep something in – as many Lovecraft-RAW fans speculate – it was built to keep things out. No spirit creature can pass through its boundary as if it where a pentacle – which is exactly what it is. It functions like a reverse Cage for the Dead at 100% effectiveness.

All magic cast within or entering the radius of 44-yards has a –30% penalty shift.

The Pentagon is said to house a few major level artefacts:

The Spear of Destiny liberated from the Nazis.

A meteorite in the exact shape of a Pieta of a black Mary and Jesus discovered in a crater on the moon in 1969.

The remains of an airship made up of diamond-hard silver foil and thin tubing that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico 1847.

A flashlight floating where a ship disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle that emits a beam of as yet unknown radiation that isn’t visible but the beam messes with Avogadro’s Number. It isn’t pleasant to see.

Sub-basement 223 is a huge underground hangar equipped with vehicles, transport and equipment and barracks for soldiers. Every one that enters Sub-basement has already agreed to Above Top Secret levels of security and are all officially dead. Everyone does a six-month tour of duty before retiring with a million tax-free dollars up front and a monthly stipend of $5 000 and intense psychological treatment available twenty-four/seven.

Ever since 1974 Sub-basement 223 has been the launch pad of Operation Dislocate. According to those that do talk, the American army has already occupied Dis and is busy colonising an abandoned Hell for the U.S.A.…

8 thoughts on “Shadows within Shadows…

  1. ParadoxDruid says:

    excellent ideas!

    I especially like the Nonentity birthing house…

    You might want to pick up GURPS Warehouse 23 for more inspiration for weird ideas kept locked away.

  2. Insect King says:

    Glad you enjoyed it. GURPS products are generally very high quality. I am on-and-off about Warehouse23 though.

    Is it actually necessary? I prefer just to let my brain vomit out my own ideas.

  3. strange_person says:

    “accute exploding head.” Priceless!

  4. Insect King says:

    Thank you. (bows).

  5. says:

    Ahh, yes, but GURPS Warehouse 23 hardly has anything original, it’s a depository of late 20th Century folklore and mythology. Or, as we say in UA, rumors.

  6. Insect King says:

    Well postmodern is also about talking the old and redressing it with current trends.

    I’ve been to Warehouse23 and although there is a lot of stuff, there are a few gems lurking about. They just need a bit of polishing.



  7. Wellbutrin says:

    Great stuff! I visited DC a few months back, and my first thought was “this place is Cliomancer heaven!” After that, I began to notice how deliberately loaded with symbolism the place was.

    Unfortunately, my game is set in Ottawa, which doesn’t offer nearly the same degree of mystical richness. The result, in my view, is an altogether tamer and more placid local Underground — the squabbles aren’t as vicious, because the potential rewards are so much smaller.


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