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Powa boyz

It is a New York cabal with the most street cred.

Powa Boyz

A small East Coast inner city black gang, a splinter of the Bloods, was doomed to be crushed, like a whole lot of other petty ambitious gangs. Then one day they were in control of a flexible resource, magic.

The Powa Boyz are considered hedgers, small time dabbling by most workers, their scope is seemingly limited mainly to information-mercenary tactics, being bought off from all sides with the occasional revved dead to remind people of the Powa Boyz power. The magic seems to be a combination of Haitian voodoo and post-modern shamanism.

The Powa Boyz also do a little drug peddling and also have a few legitimate fronts; such as occult and alternative religion retail stores. These fronts, as well as the squalid block tenements, form a large and successful spy network. Occasionally a bigger gang tries to hijack or wipe out the Powa Boyz, but to no lasting success. The Powa Boyz seem to relish their role as power brokers and are purposefully keeping themselves small and non-threatening.

The Powa Boyz has two separate and distinct layers of political movement: The Bookers and the Doctors. The primary layer, The Books, consists of the typical gang; with all the mottoes, codes, and colour markings. Initiation is a typical Gauntlet. The initiate must Blood himself, choose a victim and kill that person. Who or how it is done depends on any special requests of the Doctors, but often the Blooding is mostly watched for any further signs. When a potential Booker is observed, he would sometimes be kidnapped, and under a heady brew of psychoactive drugs and ritual, be guided in his blooding.

The Doctors consist of those that have shown great potential and are clean. No addicts are admitted, and those that are habitual drug-users are kept as Bookers with minor seniority. When the new initiate is chosen he most run a gauntlet of, strangely enough, oral examinations. The recruit is kidnapped alone, and brought to a place where the interrogation happens. After two to five times, a mock sacrifice happens with the initiate being sacrificed, with an unloaded gun, execution style. Then begins the strange tuition.

The Powa Boyz sorcery never uses older words like sorcery or wizard. Their magic is called Medicine, and the uses of Medicine are Doctors. Their rituals are called Operations or Administrations. Their private mythology is a mash of Baptist Christianity, Voodoo, American Indian mythology, New Age philosophy, sport jargon and street savvy.

The Doctors collect in a board of directors. The board is made up of Junior members and senior partners; and they handle themselves with all the decorum of an executive boardroom. When the board deems it is too full, a post is created to capitalise on ventures.

The Network spreads slowly around away from New Jersey to the surrounding states. These ventures however do not come with the gang element, but rather with legitimate business fronts, from which the Doctors can handle their speculative and lucrative magical mercenary resource. They cow tow to no one and keep their loyalty to the highest bidder. It is these subsidiary organisations that have extra legal dealings with covert government activities. These satellite enterprises are also sacrificial lambs, as no direct contact with the Powa Boyz can be proven. The Powa Boyz are a predominantly black male concern. Women are never allowed within the proper confines. A few Hispanics are involved, but mainly in the gang proper, and the only Hispanic Doctors left to run a front in Texas. The whole organisation is a racist, sexist and filled with paranoid dogma.

A few of the Bookers are Muslim and follow a more violent version of the teachings of the Nation of Islam. These Young Turks have banded in a conspiracy to change the political structure to an exclusively black Muslim franchise. The Muslim faction is small and are merely taking notes and waiting to move up the echelons to infiltrate the board. Their schemes are aggressively expansionist. Other than the occasional, one-sided and bizarre religious-ethical arguments, no strife has occurred. The board-members follow a loose belief blend of Agnosticism, Baptism, Vodun, and with slow influence, Islam too.

The Powa Boyz Medicine is specialised in ghost trappings, little else deviates from these resources. Firstly the are proficient in “fishing” or calling spirits up for information and secondly but more secretly revving the dead, either as muscle, or as zombies, the spiritually castrated dead of mental impotence. These zombies are used as terror tactics against other snub-nosing debtors. A few Bookers are permanently restarted for use in covert operations.

HorroCore Records TM
HorroCore Records is a small, but highly successful front company for the Powa Boyz. HorroCore is now a semi-independent company that produces alternative rap albums; that is rap influenced by the horror-styled lyrics. These bizarre CDs have a loyal cult following.

It is very likely that HorroCore Records looks for artists to fill this niche and influences them in this way.

Horror core is the goth version of rap; it has imagery of voodoo, grave robbing, ritual murder and sometimes supernatural themes. Popular small time releases that are still selling well are:
Root 666 – Krak Bitch Itch (1992)
Dead Needle Slammaz – Dead Nigger Soup (1994)
Gunz & Hoodoo – Gunz & Hoodoo (1997)
Gunz & Hoodoo – Cold Titty Mama (1999)

UA Rules
Each doctor gets to channel the Guede. The Guede replaced the Shaman out of the Clergy and ascended. The Guede, also known as the Necromancer, allows his avatars some control over the dead as his domain allows. As a result, the Doctors supplant their living forces with some demonic assistance.

The current high-powered Necromancers are scouring the world for the Guede Godwalker but haven’t found him. The old, renounced shaman is hobbling around channelling the last of his power, looking to kill Guede.

The truth is that they looking in the wrong place. The current Guede Godwalker, Jim Cecil, created his Godwalker channel so that he could keep his domain over the dead when dead…

Guede is in the habit of joy-riding other Guede channellers as a constant reminder of whose in charge. He goes by newer Godwalker nom-de-plum. Lil’ Loa.

6 thoughts on “Powa boyz

  1. Dan Fitzpatrick says:

    One question: Bloods are a west coast gang with Sets in the south in midwest, but I don’t believe in NYC(correct me if I am wrong). Did these Bloods move to NYC?

  2. Insect King says:

    Could be a minor split from the West Coast Bloods – since they found magic and all. Most of the organised crime people seem to avoid adepts so why not have adepts go into crime?

    If there’s anything you don’t like or like or want to screw around with, go for it.



  3. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I think it’s a creepy note to see the Shaman kicked out by Guede, though also unlikely. If it were true… the next incarnation of the Universe is going to be much, much different.

  4. Insect King says:

    I have a personal distrust of “shaman”. The whole idea has been repackaged with whole Pop Occult phenomenon.

    The Guede is the nastier, up-to-date version of the Shaman, but they essentially fulfill similar, psychopomp roles… well one could be the psychopimp…



  5. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Traditionally, any given culture’s worldview was a small area with a huge “Here there be dragons” in at least a semi-spiritual way for most of the rest of the world. The Shaman was the one who, essentially, bridged the gap between the world they knew and the world beyond, which could literally be a world beyond, possibly just the horizon. Shamans are mad fascinating when you look at them proper. A Catholic Priest is as much a shaman as any tree-hugging, hippy Celt wanna-be. With Guede as the shaman, the worlds beyond that are linked too just got a lot darker. Imagine how that will affect the world when it reboots? Dark afterlives, dangerous hidden vallies… Xenophobia, slavery…

  6. Insect King says:

    Well that’s it. The shaman is obliged to assist the migration of souls to the afterlife to stop them clogging up the world and interfering here.

    Many cultures viewed the souls of the dead as UA does demons – nasty pieces of work.

    The Guede (a purely cultural reference – he’s known also as the necromancer) is a completely self-serving archetype that has similar powers to the shaman, but none of the obligations. Guede is more of an spiritual extortionist than humble servant.

    The existence of Guede (within the game context) is indeed a sign of how bad and screwy things have become with the world.

    I am busy redoing/editing Guede for resubmission.





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