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Elizabeth Smart

The Invisible Clergy a-lmost- grew by one.

It’s all part of a power struggle in the Occult Underground. See… her father turned his daughter into a proxy, and arranged to have her kidnapped. Well, not arranged, but set it up so that it -might- happen. If he’d planned all the details, it wouldn’t work… and his daughter wouldn’t have a good chance at ascending as the newest Lost Daughter.

Of course that’s an archtype. There’s new incarnations for it all the time. Why do you think so many of those kids are never found?

So, anyway, the father did this to get her to ascend… and thus, through his proxy, a grown man would be the Lost Daughter… which would make him a shoe-in to dethrone The Freak as the godwalker of the Mystic Hermaphrodite.

The Freak didn’t like this, and luckily found an avatar of The Mother who was easily lead around, and arranged things so that she was able to find the girl and alert the police. Yeah, The Freak did a good deed. Solely to protect his power, of course.

The kidnapper? I think he’s going after the same archtype David Koresh was going for, but damned if I know what it is.

2 thoughts on “Elizabeth Smart

  1. GrimJim says:

    The Unheard Prophet archetype? Cassandra was one.

  2. Insect King says:

    Wasn’t Cassandra the Unbelievable Prophet? People could hear prophecies her but no one believed her.


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