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Vatican Loses Keys To Heaven?

The left hand of a statue of St. Peter goes missing from Vatican City, along with the keys to heaven held within. Who took it, and why?

From a Reuters article:
“The Gospels say Jesus gave the apostle Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven…

Vatican authorities were searching on Thursday for the left hand — the one holding the keys — of a 13th-century marble statue of the apostle in St Peter’s Basilica…

Carved from a separate block of marble attached to the arm by a metal rod, the hand (and keys) would have been relatively easy to remove…”

The full text is here.

Quite the potential ritual component there. Is it also significant that it was the left hand?

7 thoughts on “Vatican Loses Keys To Heaven?

  1. Insect King says:

    “Is it also significant that it was the left hand?”

    Hell yeah! The left-handed path and all that. Must be that darn Global Satanic Network up to no good again.

    It would probably be a major ritual and (in UA) I would assume its an inside job. Never could trust that Austrian Guard.



  2. InfinityWpi says:

    The hand means nothing. They were after the keys… remember, the Vatican has that secret library that possibly rivals the one the Sleepers has when it comes ot the occult underground… they keys in the statue’s hand are obviously a way to acess it.

  3. Menzoa says:

    The left hand is important in the Mithras-worshiping tradition that early Christianity stole so much from. The right hand was for the unclear work of the world, while the left was reserved for higher purposes.

  4. strange_person says:

    I’m reminded of some crazy kid-soldiers… some middle-eastern place… their job is to charge a machine gun nest, and keep charging untill it runs out of ammo. They aren’t armed, and they don’t carry anything of value.

    Except for a molded plastic key. Which is supposed to remind them that they’ll get into heaven when they die (in a few minutes).

    Of course, to make a mold, you’ve got to get the master copy somewhere.

  5. Sir Cabhán says:

    “Do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing”

    The significance of the left hand is secrecy. The Keys to the Kingdom are representative of the secrets of the universe, including those secrets of the occult underground – once you have the Keys to the Kingdom you can unlock all knowledge, including the very secrets of God . This links into InfinityWpi’s idea about the secret Vatican library – this library literally contains all the secrets of the Universe, and not even the pope is allowed in there.

    Rumour has it that there are two very ancient men guarding the entrance to the secret livrary of the Vatican. One is Saint Paul, the other is Saint Peter. No, they didn’t die – Iesu(sp?) told Peter that he had the Keys to the Kingdom, which turns out to be the magical key to get into the Library at the Vatican.

    The Library itself is in an ancient cave beneath the Vatican that can only be entered through magical means – hence the key. Inside are the books of God, including what the four winds said in Revelation that saint John was not allowed to write down.

    One day an Angel will come down to collect the scroll with the seven seals from the secret library, and the poo shall hit the fan.

    What if the Sleepers stole the key which was hidden in plain sight to prevent the Angel obtaining the scroll? Do they already know when he/she is due to come down and fetch it?

    I know this isn’t normal material for UA , but it can have some interesting plot hooks…

  6. Insect King says:

    Aha! I understand everything now! It’s all so clear! It’s all about the Holy Grail!

    The holy grail isn’t a cup but the tomb in which Jesus was interred after the Crucifiction. Except that not only was his body missing, the entire cave vanished as well.

    It was carefully rebuilt in ancient, pagan Italy where the Vatican now sits. In fact, the Vatican was originally a fortress for guarding the secret stone womb that housed Christ during his rebirth as a resurrectee.

    This is the secret library. One can read the prophetic blood stains on the stone slab (they’re always bleed in letters). Unfortunately one cannot check it out.

    The Key opens the special, modified lock installed in the stone slab. It’s actually a safe. What’s inside, though?



  7. Shatterfreak says:

    The question that hasn’t been asked here is who stole it? My money’s on a Cleidomancer, gathering the first major charge in his school’s history. After all, if there’s any truth to the name “Keys of Heaven,” it’s got to be a freaking special key.

    But if a key adept did steal the keys, he’s got what he wants, and might not have the inclination to use them. Of course, this won’t matter to the Order of Saint Cecil, who have already dispatched agents to track the thief down…


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