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Saddam vs Bush

A godwalker war?

The Shah of Iraq was the godwalker of the true ing back inte the days. He had the title, he had the land, he had the birthright. Saddam offed him in the sixties and took his place. It was tricky. He has had to work really hard to keep his place despite the obvious breaks in taboo (the title, the birthright) and he managed only through popular support, massive personality cults, de facto life position as”our great leader”.
He also started working on kicking the current archetype and replace him with the President. The President has to be elected, that’s the reason he’s been so meticulous about the recurring ceremony of election. The reasons he hasn’t simply proclamed himself Shah are two: One: He doesn’t have popular support, a president doesn’t need people to like him, only to elect him. Two: proclaming himself Shah (king) would reinforce the current archetype, he wants to weaken it.

George Bush got a taste of real power when he became president, and figuring out who was godwalker didn’t take long. Tricking Saddam into attacking Kuwait was tricky, but it worked, and having his reason, he went after Saddam like a hungry wolf. Only through his extensive use of proxies (doubles) could Saddam survive and use (probably) his Godwalker channel to make the war end.

But Bush had learned something about the many uses of proxies. He knew he couldn’t be reelected president, but using his son as a proxy (a very strong one, the share name, blood, and title) he could get de facto reelected and get another shot at the godwalker, and hopefully, at the same time, the archetype. Wether the soul currently inhabining the presidency belongs to the son or the father is up for debate, I personally wouldn’t leave something as important as this to my kid.

Problem arises in the election, and what means he used to swing the jury is also up for debate. It is also belived that he works from a weaker position than last time, since he didn’t get the majority of the votes (Thank god for the american voting system!).

Either he kills Saddam or he doesn’t. And if he does, either he ascends as the President o he doesn’t. If he ascends, the old archetype will be kicked back to earth. Now, for the last complication. The current archetype of the king is probably Arthur Pendragon. He is supposed to come back to England in the hour of her greatest need, and that need, my friends, can only be the apocalypse, the end of the world.

5 thoughts on “Saddam vs Bush

  1. Insect King says:

    Another tidbit to add to this set-up is that George Bush Senior desperately wants the Bush family to be the better Kennedies.

    Apparently George Senior feels he is constantly living in the shadow of the Kennedies and has been trying to groom his immediate family as the Republican versions.

    Apparently George Bush Senior gets very upset if this is brought up in his presence.

    Obvious that GB Senior is trying to enforce the Bush “legacy” as a family of Presidents.

  2. Atomic Fae says:

    Just something else to consider.
    If Arthur Pendragon did ascend to the role of the true king (which would explain the sheer quantity of myth and ledgend that surrounds him and his life) then if he is “returned to England” it’ll not only be in their hour of need it’ll be via the house of Renounciation.

    Its extending the idea a bit too far perhaps but how does this sound….
    On the day that an American president ascends and replaced the True King Archetype a powerful mystic schism could occur.
    Britain used to be a superpower (admittedly hundreds of years ago) and although most of that mundane legacy has passed mystically its still potent.
    All that will change when a president ascends. As far as the IC will be concerned thats the turning point, thats when England becomes the colony of America.

    Think Blairs subserviant now? How do you think he’ll act when he discovers that the American leadership is backed by a figure in the Clergy. He’ll pack stone henge in crates and ship it over so fast you’ll think they were cursed.
    All the mystical tradion of a once powerful country being traded for paper money and the continued use of the Seer: Avatars who helped rig the last elections for the president.

    But then, stepping smartly from the unmentionable House walks a man named Arthur with a grudge.

    Hes here to awaken the people, to bring down the government…. to make the Dragon fly once more.

  3. Mattias says:

    Wow! this is just the kind of things I wanted when I posted this. Gotta start a near future MUAC, it just has to rock!-)

    I wonder what brought on the Iran-Iraq war, a godwalker of the true King vs the godwalker of the Prophet? Hmmm….

  4. Insect King says:

    Is it any wonder that Persia and Chaldea were really big on astrology. Of course there’s the rumour of a UFO crashing in Iraq 1998.

    Perhaps one of Saddam’s elite warrior-priests enacted a ritual that summoned a djinn (read Cruel One) allowing it to slip-and-slide to this side on the blood of a thousand Kurds.

    Having an angel on one’s army counts for a lot.

    Probably needs a massive upkeep too. Its why all of Saddam’s soldiers are surrendering. Rather a prisoner of war than fuel for an inhuman angel.



  5. Insect King says:

    What actually struck me as UA-ish. The Iran-Iraq war was almost a symbolic war between the castor and Pollux, the Gemini twins – considering both countries ancient predisposition with astrology.

    Works well with the other UK-USA masonic bond thread.




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