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The “Special Relationship”

Just why is the relationship between America and Britan so strong?

In Alexandria, there used to stand a pair of columns, put up in 1600 B.C.E. One fell down, and eventually ended up in London.

It’s brother, which stood in place well into the 19th Century, was given to the Free Masons of New York, who re-erected it in New York City’s Central Park, making a Masonic event of it.

The year Cleopatra’s Needle was re-errected was 1881, a palendrome: two columns on the flanks, with a pair of upright “infinities” in the center. Thus was the “special relationship” between America and England forged. The two cities are mystically joined, proxies of each other. Some say that their Urbanomancers can operate in either one.

When Al Qaida attacked New York, they really did attack both sides of the atlantic. Is it any wonder that it is the UK — America’s parent nation — is the closest ally America has, in all its adventures.

(Aside from the “proxy city” angle, this is accurate.)

3 thoughts on “The “Special Relationship”

  1. Insect King says:

    Twin Urbanomantic cults seperated by the gulf of the Atlantic. The whole Masonic connection. Sweet.

  2. Menzoa says:

    I don’t know about the London side, but the New York needle is in Central Park, on path that entails crossing way more dirt than any urbanomancer would be comfortable with. It’s also got two sets of iron barriers going all the way around it (with a couple of set entry points in the outer circle, but none for the inner square), which would serve to prevent any attempt to mess around with it from a distance.

    Not 100 yards away from the obelix, is the rear of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which, as you may or may not know, is the home of an intact Egyptian temple, moved stone by stone into the museum. It’s installation was not a masonic event, as far as I know, but it’s easy enough to fudge that in-game.

  3. Mr Unlucky says:

    One wonders who worked on those stones being moved; it’d be a short shrift to assume that one or two of them had names like, say, Mason.

    Or Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, et cetera, et cetera.

    Just a thought.


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