Old beggar near Notre Dame de Paris is the key to the world financial activities…
Please forgive my bad english, mes amis, but I have a story you may find interesting.
Recently, while I was watching people around the world-famous Notre Dame de Paris cathedral, I noticed an old beggar woman who had a cart full of flashy, coloured items. Rubber ducks, fake flowers, little cubes from an alphabet game… All coloured, all different.
Went here the day after, and I noticed there were less green items, and many, more orange objects in the cart. I also happened to notice a news on the radio, telling that the european currency was really high, while the dollar went down…
Next day, I counted the items.
Just for fun, entered the numbers in my computer, made an Excel file of it, and went on and on, every day for nearly one month.
At the end of the month, I had a picture, a perfect graphic showing me how the yellow, the red, the green, the orange and the blue went up and down. Made the same graphic with a dozen of worldwide currencies. I discovered dollar was the green, euro the orange, deutschmark the yellow, and so on. Every day, Old Lady of the Money Cart shows you what happens on the world.
Now, I wonder about two most disturbing questions…
I never managed to discover any currency matching the white items…
And second : what would happen if someone were to take objects from the cart… or put some items inside ?
Well, mes amis, sorry for my bad english, once again, but, thing about it and keep your eyes open when you get to Paris and around Notre Dame…
A bientot, mes amis…
Le marchand de jouets
This is excellent… a great rumor (and heck, a great ploy to catch the interest of Plutomancer and Merchant PCs).
The white items must represent the floating commodities market that is the illicit drug trade…
I may sound a little pedantic, but the Deutsche Mark does not exist anymore…
Very good rumor, anyway!
Change Deutsche Mark to Euro and you’re all set.
I just wish someone would profile Mad Hattie for UA… 😉
Perhaps the yellow should be the Yen or the Chinese currency (whatever its name is, I forget)?