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Vulcans with no emotion? Or clued-in adepts who appreciate clean-cut reality?


You know that the Universe is our master. We are but slaves to the world around us. But you have broken free from the emotional chains that bind. Real freedom lies beyond that which makes us human.

Aesthetomancy is not a new school, but not particularly common either. Charges come from the energy released in breaking the bond between stimulus and emotion that form normal animal memories. The smell of cut grass reminding us of the heady days of our youth. The sight of blood stirring up long-buried thoughts of the pain and suffering of a loved one. Our senses are our link to the outside environment. They are what connect us to the universe. They form and colour our experiences, our learning. They inform our development. As a result, our experiences colour our senses. Memories linked to a particular taste or smell are brought back when we re-encounter this stimulus. Our senses become biased by our interpretation, our brain, our experiences. Stimuli are the same to us all – yet we interpret them differently. This is the paradox.
This dissociation of sense from emotion explains in part the lack of Aesthetomancers. Sparkies (or Cold Fish as they are less affectionately known) can, if not careful, quickly lose any semblance of humanity they once possessed. No one is sure as to their ultimate fate – some may disappear in a blaze of psychopathic glory attempting to rid the universe of these quivering blobs, Others may just disappear, (d)evolving into something not human.

The victim’s central and peripheral nervous system begins to rewire and misfire in an attempt to purge memories of the shackling emotional ties that limit his evolutionary potential. However, he lacks the self-control required to do this without the inevitable accompanying trauma. Neurones overload and feedback. Synapses transmit without rest. Sense organs act retroactively, spurting stimuli attached to random memories (colours emanate from the eyes, smells from the nose, etc.). Perception becomes painfully sensitive as the brain attempts to elevate from primitive sentiments. Receptors crackle with unwanted bioelectricity. The victim becomes one small (or large for significant blasts) plasma ball of stimuli.


Generate a minor charge: Focus on and isolate one sense for a period of time. Concentrate on memories built upon this sense and purge those memories of any emotion. This requires Meditating (can be a chosen skill, or use Mind Stat at half). If a Meditation roll fails, another can be attempted after an hour or so. The number of charges gained depends upon the length of time spent in serious contemplation. One charge is gained for every two hours of Meditation. However, the Isolation begins to kick in after too long. At the end of the first two hours, the Sparkie must attempt a Rank 1 Isolation check. Further checks occur every hour thereafter. These checks are cumulative in any 24 hour period (even you need to eat, drink and sleep) – an Aesthetomancer cannot meditate for 2 hours, gain a charge while suffering a Rank 1 check, stop, then Meditate again and take another Rank 1 test. The second period of Meditation would incur Rank 2 and Rank 3 Isolation stress checks.
Example: Zen the Aesthetomancer intends to Meditate for a 12 hour session (a significant period of time) in order to gain 6 minor charges (a huge reward). This is a long time to go without all of your available senses, and so the Isolation stress checks build up. Rank 1 will occur after the first two hours, Rank 2 after the third, Rank 3 after the fourth, and so on. At the end of the eleventh hour a Rank 10 stress check will occur, and for every hour after this.
Zen decides to take a break of 5 minutes after 6 hours of Meditation to feed his cat. Upon returning to a trance, he continues from where he left off (after a successful Meditation roll of course). If it took him a little longer to feed the feline, say 24 hours, he would start afresh at Rank 1 after 2 hours.
During charging, all other senses are effectively inhibited due to the intense concentration necessary. This leaves the Meditator very vulnerable should his remaining sense not allow him to perceive certain stimuli such as seeing or hearing a TNI Death Squad break into his home, or smell his burning cat setting fire to the rest of his apartment.
Get a significant charge: ReMindMap. The Sparkie reconfigures her own memories in order to remove any emotional interpretation – any fuzzy logic or bias associated with what should be clean, clear stimuli. In a similar way to Mechanomancers, this involves losing aspects of what makes her human – “No Live Organism Can Continue For Long To Exist Sanely Under Conditions Of Absolute Reality”. The Cold Fish must choose a significant memory – a birthday present, her first kiss, humiliation at the hand of an overbearing parent, a lover’s touches, or the admonitions of an employer. By rewiring this memory, the adept breaks the bond between the memory and the emotion, and the resultant energy manifests as a significant charge. Goody! The flip side is that this aspect of the adept’s humanity is now lost in any tangible form – lose one point of Soul and make a Rank 6 Self stress check.
Get a major charge: Unknown. Considering the risks associated with gaining significant charges, no Aesthetomancer is known to have attempted to gain a major charge… or at least, none has spoken of it. Rumours abound of methods involving consciously sacrificing a complete sense in order to allow others to compensate and improve, or a complete defragmentation of their neural network, somewhat akin to Mechanomancers.
Taboo: Your senses and memories must be free and clear. This manifests in several ways. Firstly, an Aesthetomancer is an adept of surgical clarity, one who’s power is embedded in the domain of logic and observation, without personal involvement. In other words, this adept’s Soul must never exceed their Mind Stat, even temporarily. Secondly, you can never attach an emotional significance to any event. “Mmmm Mom, this chicken tastes wonderful” is the metaphysical equivalent to pulling the plug. Watch those charges drain away. “This chicken tastes like chicken” or “This chicken tastes like Gallus domesticus protein and fat” is much better. And finally, an Aesthetomancer’s eyes and ears are her… well…. eyes and ears. Any sense-enhancing or sense-affecting agent can only act to interfere with her perfect assemblance of information. Spectacles, hearing aids and many drugs are examples of no-nos. Telephones?
Random magic domain: “Purify”. Random Aesthetomancy magick removes any emotional bias from a memory or experience, allowing others to perceive or remember in cold clarity. See without rage. Smell without disgust. Touch without devotion. Taste without satisfaction. Hear without fear.
Starting charges: A starting Aesthetomancer begins with six minor charges, or even more. Any Sparkie who can spare two hours a day can quickly build up the charges with minimal risk to his sanity.
Charging Tips: Depends on your level of risk, or how far you are to Madness. Short and sweet is nice and safe. Want more? Maybe you should have been a Bodybag.


Cost: 1 minor charge
Effect: This is the Cold Fish’s minor blast. The target becomes extremely sensitive to his close environment. All stimuli begin to overload his sense organs, and limit his capability to interact with his surroundings. As well as taking the damage from the blast, the target applies a -10% shift to all actions for two rounds (including Initiative). For each extra charge, the penalty can be increased by 10% per charge up to a maximum of -30%.

Cost: 1 minor charge
Effect: The target’s perceptions are heightened beyond her normal capability. This adds +10% to any skill requiring any of the five physical perceptions (GM’s decision), and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the tens dice of the roll. This spell can be placed upon the casting adept.

Cost: 1 minor charge
Effect: The target (possibly yourself) is dulled in a particular sense. They do not lose that specific sense, but their ability to ‘perceive’ it is diminished. An analogy is trying to hear with ringing ears (such as after a concert) Normal noise is dulled by the ringing caused by over-exerted cilia in the cochlea. Now remove the ringing – this muffled noise is how a target of this spell would hear sounds. The effect is that the target suffers a -10% shift to that particular sense, and hence to all skills that use it. This spell can be used to reduce any effects of extreme stimuli, such as bright light, high temperatures or harsh chemicals in the air (GM rules on just how large a reduction).
This spell can be cast on more than one sense on a target, and the shifts are cumulative where applicable.
Example: Firing a gun requires both touch and sight. Should a Sparkie cast Anaesthesia on a target’s sense of touch, she would be at -10% shift to fire the weapon, unable to sense correctly the trigger and best firing position. However, if the adept also cast Anaesthesia on the target’s sight, she would be at -20% shift, unable to clearly focus in on her victim.
This spell lasts for a number of minutes equal to the tens dice, or the total of the two dice in hours if a match.

Cost: 2 minor charges
Effect: By increasing the rate and speed of the target’s neuronal firing and nervous transmission, anyone affected by this spell can temporarily increase their Speed by 10% for a number of minutes equal to the tens number on the dice roll. This can be cumulative up to a maximum shift of 30%, and requires no extra casting time, just the extra charges (4 charges for +20%; 6 charges for +30%). At the end of this period however, the hangover kicks in. For each +10% shift applied, the target is at half their normal Speed value (this does affect the maximum of Speed skills for this period of time) for two hours. Again, this spell can be targeted on the casting adept.
Example: Brett Boston, sometime-Duke is about to take on the perpetrator of a heinous crime, Mr. Perp. His partner, Zen, casts Axon Figure on him. Motivated by the recent tragic accident involving his cat, Zen spends 6 charges and gives Brett the full +30% shift and boosting his 57 Speed up to 87. Rolling a successful 43, Brett is souped up for four minutes, plenty of time to take the Perp. After this four minutes however, Brett’s Speed will drop to 29 for a period of six hours, as will any Speed skills at 30 or above. Let’s hope Mr. Perp doesn’t have any friends watching…
Warning: A fumble on the Aesthetomancy casting is bad – something akin to a severe electrocution. The GM should decide the most applicable result.

Cost: 3 minor charges
Effect: The adept casts YourMEENE on a target giving a testimony, witness statement, or any kind of report about an event they saw or were involved in. After entering a meditative state (Meditation or half Mind Stat) the adept can revisit the event itself, replacing the role of the target. The adept can sense the events as they actually occurred, not as they may be falsely recalled from the target’s memory. Precise and exact facts can be gleaned from this visitation, although the nature and direction of the event cannot be altered – the adept could not wander off in a direction that the target did not take. This spell lasts as long as the vision lasts – should the adept withdraw from this dialogue, then the image ends. It can be re-entered however, should the spell be cast again, and the adept can ‘fast-forward’ through the familiar parts.


Cost: 1 significant charge
Effect: When cast, the Aesthetomancer can use his magick skill level for any Mind skill. The Adept does not have to possess this skill herself, and it lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number on the tens dice.

Cost: 1 significant charge
Effect: The significant Blast spell. Axons fire uncontrollably, synaptic neurotransmitter reuptake is inhibited, the central nervous system neurochemistry turns to wildfire. The brain becomes so overloaded and confused that crossed wires cause the target to hear light and see smells. If the target does not die from the blast, they are incapacitated (no actions) for a number of rounds equal to the tens dice.

Cost: varies
Effect: This spell can be cast on both inanimate (1 significant charge) and animate (2 significant charges) objects (unwilling targets must make a Soul check and use their humanity to resist the spell – the adept then loses the charges). The manner of the target’s stimuli change, as chosen by the caster. The type of stimulus could alter – cabbage tastes like steak, or an alarm could sound like a bird call. Alternatively, the nature of the stimulus could change – the smell of burning could be replaced by that of the feeling of water from a sprinkler.
Anyone encountering this changed object must first identify an anomaly in the thrall (it may feel like water, but it sure looks like fire!) and then make a Mind roll in order to see through the illusion. However, if the spell is cast more than once on the target object, more than one property can be changed (aah, it IS water).

Cost: 2 significant charges
Effect: The ranges of the adept’s senses are increased. Sight extends into infra-red and ultra-violet, while infra- and ultra-sound noises can be heard. Either the sensitivity or range of touch can be increased (vague references about an object’s tactile characteristics can be gauged at a distance in meters equivalent to the tens place on the dice roll.) Navigating in total darkness is a good benefit of this spell, for example. Anything that can be felt normally can be felt at a distance. With taste and smell, specific scents and aromas can be detected at a sensitivity equivalent to that of a snake or bloodhound (GM’s discretion). For example, blood can be smelled, or even the hormones and secretions indicating fear or attraction can be detected, as long as they are strong or fresh. The duration of this spell is a number of minutes equal to the total of the two dice. Again, the spell can be cast multiple times to affect more than one sense.

Cost: 3 significant charges
Effect: The adept can feel what another person (must be human) feels. The Aesthetomancer must have sensed the target in person (seen, heard, tasted, etc.) on a previous occasion. The range of this spell can be quite far – 5 to the power of X in metres, where X is the tens value on the dice. (If you’re not sure of your maths, 5 to the power zero is one). Communication is one-way only – you perceive their surroundings, but they do not perceive you. A critical success offers the same benefits as a successful roll of 90 or above (a success of 90 or above would allow the adept to Remote Sense anyone the know, anywhere on Earth). A fumble means that as you search for the target, you find them. Their senses merge with yours, but you fail to filter out their emotional state. See taboo. Bye bye charges. Duration is limited to a number of minutes equal to the tens dice.


Completely disable a target’s senses, or borrow them at will. Allow one’s own sense to float free of corporeal restrictions. Cure diseases involving the senses or nervous system. Commune with non-humans.


Only what they allow you to hear, or see, or… well, you get the idea. Any rumours are much likely far less imaginative than what the Sparkies actually get up to themselves.

2 thoughts on “Aesthetomancy

  1. Rus says:

    I like the idea of adepts deliberately killing their emotional natures to become creatures of pure reason.

    That said, I’m not sure that “remote senseing” fits. If the idea is not to feel, remotely senseing others sensations sounds a lot like empathy ( which seems right out for this crowd ).

  2. Gary Matthews says:

    I used the term “remote sensing” to mean exactly that – sensing, not feeling. I would personally feel that empathy requires an understanding of how a person feels – emotionally – which is a risk for the Vulcan who uses this spell. It is purely to ascertain what another persons sees, tastes etc. rather than to understand their emotional condition. That said, there are one or two spells that don’t exactly fit with the adept changing how s/he views their own personal world, rather than somebody elses, and this is one of them. Thanks for the feedback. 🙂


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