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Ada Justina Fleming

The Duchess of the U.K.Occult Underground.


A woman who has had all the beauty pulled off her like it was a duvet. She has survived her horrifying ordeal by incorporating a great deal of the internal hostility into her private sexual life. To the world she exists as two people. Aboveground she is Justina Fleming, a hermit in self-exile due to horrific burns she received in a house fire.

To the Underground she is Ada Fleming, the Occultess, the cold woman who has a tyrant’s thirst for information – which she shares liberally with her allies.

She survives by venting her frustrations as a dominatrix – a guise she is forced to wear for health reasons.

She often goes naked – as this is the most comfortable – but she looks like an anatomy picture. She’s a woman with no skin everything looks red and wet. Maybe because of the magic, she doesn’t suffer anything undue, just hypersensitivity.

Getting a big whammy from a rogue fleshcrafter.

Knowing all the players and dupes in Britain’s Occult Underground. She needs to keep tabs of all the unnatural to protect the innocent bystanders. She doesn’t hate the weirdoes she merely wants the freaks to keep to themselves and not mess with ordinary folk.

Fear Stimulus (Isolation)
Personally Ada needs someone else within twenty meters eyesight or at least behind a closed door. Ada is terrified of being left alone and abandoned to the dark – like she was when she got badly magicked.

None of her doors are locked and she encourages an informal but professional attitude with her staff and “toys”. She always sleeps with a light on and the door open.

Rage Stimulus
People taking pity on her pisses Ada off no end. Ada knows she is horrifying to look at and takes it better when people are squeamish. To her, pity is the sum of all that is dishonest in this world.

Noble Stimulus
Keeping the normal people free from all the supernatural poisons. The magicians can fuck themselves as long as they do not involve the mundane people – those with no defences. She won’t help people with their own sad lives, just try and keep the weirdness away from them.

BODY 50 (sore but steady) Wounds 25 (at 25 she passes out from over stimulation)
Bitch Fu 50%
Ada can kick and scream and swipe with the most heartless of them.

Flawless Rawness 100%
If she exposes herself to people by removing her ever present veil, she forces a Rank-3 Violence or Self check or a Rank-2 Unnatural check. Which ever will work.

SPEED 25 (slow and careful)
Dodge 5%
Driving 10%
Initiative 10%

MIND 85 (self-trained)
Library of Rituals 50%
Ada has extensive knowledge of magic trivia. If she is asked any question dealing with rituals or weird critters from the UA2 rule book, Ada will have heard of it without needing a roll. Any ritual from one of the other books she has to roll for. Any ritual that is the sole possessed by a duke or brief cabal (like Ordo Corpulenti) she might have a –20% shift.

Conceal 5%
Notice 35%

SOUL 80 (Broken but proud)
Suss you out, quick! 30%
Intimidation 40%







In 1990 Justina was finishing her BA in something arty and got the whammy. She was at a fabulous soiree when this creepy little guy came up on her. She destroyed his insipid horrible-ness instantly.

When she did go to her little West End flat with some other male more suited to her tastes, she was found screaming in the street while her date and flat burned down.

What she hasn’t said was that the little runt had been waiting at the flat. He had sliced through her lover’s neck – pinching the skin shut over both stumps. Then reached over, grabbed her shoulders and whipped her skin off like a performing waiter pulling the skin of a set table.

She had fled after the horrible little man flipped her skin over his shoulders like it was some stole and giggled as he left. She sat in the flat for about six hours until she decided to commit suicide. She left the gas valve open and waited for the gas to reach the open pilot light.

When she realised what had happened, she had mysteriously reappeared on the pavement across the road screaming.

She spent the nineties getting in touch with her cruel nature, honing it on the whetstone of her constant physical irritation, which has improved since the stark agonising constant it once was. She can actually where expensive polymers designed for burn victims.

To the normal world she is Justina Fleming, a long-suffering exile of her previous world of breeding, celebrity, glamour, exotic liquor and uncut cocaine. She subsists on a stipend generated by trust funds and properties and sundry investments.

To the British OU she is Ada Fleming – the Occultess – if some weird happens, she gets the first copy of the original file. Part of her obsession is her noble stimulus, she keeps tabs on the weirdness of the Underground in the same way life guards keep a look out for shark fins.

She is paid by MI-5 and Special Branch both of whom she is paid a hefty salary that keeps her in her necessary unguents and specialised fabrics. She was introduced to the material by favours pulled by her late father, so she could “help” the investigating officers find the culprit of her and her lover’s injuries.

Special Branch has a special vault where a small thing is kept doped on heroin. It is used as an initiation tool of the Special Branch for its agents that need to be informed of the sort of shit that is roaming British soil.

At Ada Fleming’s request, she is brought down to the vault where one of the creatures walls is two-meter thick reinforced glass and over two days, the creature is deprived its heroin – while she watches.

Although the creature pleads and promises to give her skin back, she merely watches alone.

She is the most clued-up duke in the British Underground. If there is some one better, no one knows. She can all in a surprising amount of resources by phoning the right people.

If she does go out into public, she is dressed to cover everything up completely. It is a safety precaution – since she gets all sorts of infections due to her condition.

2 thoughts on “Ada Justina Fleming

  1. Tim Bisaillon says:

    Not to shabby at all. Another Duke to add to my collective.

  2. Insect King says:



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